View clinical trials related to Mucopolysaccharidosis II.
Filter by:Phase 1, open-label, sequential ascending dose-escalation study. Designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single IV infusion of investigational gene therapy HMI-203. Males, ages 18 to 45 years inclusive, with MPS II (Hunter syndrome) currently receiving idursulfase ERT (or the equivalent) are eligible to participate. Participants will be followed for safety and efficacy for 5 years.
This is an observational study planned to document prospectively disease manifestation and neurocognitive course in pediatric patients with a clinical presentation consistent with neuronopathic ("severe") MPS II undergoing current standard of care and/or intrathecal Elaprase® for their condition. Some patients may be offered the opportunity to screen for a gene therapy study conducted by the same sponsor.