View clinical trials related to Mood Change.
Filter by:This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 4-week intervention clinical study assessing the efficacy of Mirtoselect®, Virtiva® Plus, and Enovita® on cognitive performance and mood states, and the occurrence of adverse events in response to daily supplementation. The desired sample size for this study is 64 subjects. To account for potential dropouts, we aim to enroll up to 20% over the desired sample size. Therefore, this study will enroll up to 76 healthy men and women (25-55 years of age). Subjects will be randomly divided into four study groups: Placebo, Virtiva® ginkgo biloba extract, Mirtoselect® bilberry extract, or Enovita® grape seed extract. Blocked randomization will be deployed in which subjects are divided into blocks of 4 subjects and each subject within a block is randomly assigned to one of the four study groups.