Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Other |
Eye-tracking |
Portable eye-tracking recording |
During tour on intervention day 1 |
Other |
System Usability Scale |
The System Usability Scale (SUS) consists of 10 question, scored on a 5 point likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (0) to strongly agree (4), where item 2,4,6,8 and 10 have reverse scoring. A higher score indicate higher level of perceived usability. |
After tour on intervention day 1 |
Primary |
The Nature Connection Index |
Questionnaire Nature Connection Index (NCI) is a 6-item self-report measure of connection to nature. The level of agreement with each of the 6 statements is rated on a scale from 1 (completely agree) to 7 (completely disagree), where a higher score indicates higher level of nature connection. |
Baseline 0 (1 week before intervention), After intervention day 1, End of intervention (after 4 months), 1 month follow-up, 3 month-follow up, 6-months follow-up |
Secondary |
the State Mindfulness Scale |
The State Mindfulness Scale (SMS) is a 21-item self-report measure of state mindfulness. The level of agreement with each of the 21 statements is rated on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much), where a higher score indicates higher level of state mindfulness. |
Baseline 1 (just before intervention), After tour on intervention day 1, End of intervention (after 4 months) |
Secondary |
The Restorative Outcome Scale |
The Restorative Outcome Scale (ROS) is a 6-item self-report measure of the restorative effect of natural environments. The level of agreement with each of the six statement is rated on a 7 point scale from 0 (completely disagree) to 6 (completely agree), where a higher score indicates higher level of self perceived restorative outcome. |
After tour on intervention day 1, End of intervention (after 4 months) |
Secondary |
The Subjective Vitality Scale |
The Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) is a 6-item self-report measure of subjective vitality. The level of agreement with each of the six statement is rated on a 7 point scale from 1(completely disagree) to 7 (completely agree), where a higher score indicates higher level of subjective vitality. |
Baseline 0 (1 week before intervention), After intervention day 1, End of intervention (after 4 months), 1 month follow-up, 3 month-follow up, 6-months follow-up |
Secondary |
The State-Trait Assessment of Resilience Scale |
The State-Trait Assessment of Resilience Scale (STARS) is a 7-item self-report measure of resilience. The level of agreement with each of the 7 statements is rated on a 4 point scale from 1(disagree) to 4 (completely agree). Item 3,4,5 have reverse scoring. A higher score indicates higher level of subjective vitality. |
Baseline 0 (1 week before intervention), After intervention day 1, End of intervention (after 4 months), 1 month follow-up, 3 month-follow up, 6-months follow-up |
Secondary |
Heart Rate Variability |
HRV analysis will be performed on electrocardiograms, ECG signals |
During tour on intervention day 1 |
Secondary |
The Health-related Quality of Life Short Form Survey |
The Health-related Quality of Life Short Form Survey (SF-12) is a 12-item Short Form Survey measuring health related quality of life. Each question is answered on a 6 point scale ranging from not at all (1) to all the time (6). A higher total score indicates higher level of health-related quality of life. |
Baseline 0 (1 week before intervention), End of intervention (after 4 months), 1 month follow-up, 3 month-follow up, 6-months follow-up |