View clinical trials related to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Filter by:Today's hospitals need innovative solutions to help patients transition from our care to self-management at home. The vast majority of the patients seen in Dodd Rehabilitation Hospital and associated clinics leave our care with persistent and life-altering challenges - behavioral, cognitive, emotional and/or physical. The period of time immediately following discharge is an under-addressed stage within the continuum of care. The investigators are researching solutions to help patients in this transition to self-care and believe that multiplayer gaming paradigms may be a promising innovation to facilitate this transition. The investigators believe that Dr. Jane McGonigal's SuperBetter, and positive play games like it, are promising novel interventions that could make a positive difference in the ability of our patients to successfully transition to self care after discharge from therapeutic care. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate feasibility of use of such a game by mild to moderate brain injured individuals and to record pilot data to help us plan a clinical effectiveness follow up study. Our goal is to finish this study with an intervention tailored for use within the clinical continuum of care and sufficient pilot data to prepare for a randomized clinical control trial of this intervention.
The purpose of this project is to explore the degree to which performance consistency on neuropsychological measures varies in a sample of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) Veterans with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) with persistent self-reported symptoms.
The goal of this research is to serve as a demonstration project to determine the tolerability of individuals with persistent post-concussive symptoms from combat-related mild TBI (traumatic brain injury), identify dose-finding for HBO2 (Hyperbaric Oxygen) therapy, and determine the efficacy of HBO2 therapy.
The purpose of this study is to find out if strict rest for 5 days helps children get better after concussion.
We will utilize a set of imaging modalities including computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and a suite of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tools, to investigate the changes in the human brain resulting from mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
This study investigates how well a new therapy program prevents persistent symptoms (e.g., headaches, fatigue, irritability, etc.) after concussion. The program involves examining beliefs about concussion and learning healthy coping strategies, and is completed with the first three months post-injury.
The administration of N-acetyl-cysteine (an anti-oxidant) for seven days along with observation will result in improved hearing and balance function in individuals who demonstrate these disorders after blast exposure when compared to a placebo medicine and observation at the seven day time point.
Brain injuries from trauma are common in children, often resulting in death and disability. Most brain injuries are minor, yet their treatment can be challenging. Because there are many different scales used to characterize the severity of brain injury, there is no consensus regarding how to manage patients with minor brain injuries. Specifically, there is no agreement on recommendations regarding the safety of return to activities following injury. In young athletes with minor brain injuries (i.e. concussions) there is strong data suggesting that return to baseline neurologic function is often delayed by days or weeks. Children allowed to return to activities too soon may be at a higher risk for a second concussion, may delay recovery or, in rare cases, die. Researchers have designed a computer-based testing system (ImPACT©) to objectively test for neurologic deficits following injury. This test has been used primarily in athletes following a concussion but is also applicable to children with brain injuries from non-sports related traumas. We propose to utilize this testing in pediatric patients admitted to the hospital with minor brain injury. The test would be administered at the time of the hospitalization as well as in the outpatient trauma clinic at the time of routine follow up. The test would allow us to determine if there are neurologic deficits, potentially subclinical, in these brain injured patients and how quickly they recover from their injuries. If successful, the testing will likely be useful in other clinical settings such as the primary care office (e.g. pediatrician), specialty care office (e.g. sports medicine), or emergency room to determine if an injured child requires additional intervention.