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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03319966 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Eyetracking and Neurovision Rehabilitation of Oculomotor Dysfunction in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Start date: October 18, 2017
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this single center, longitudinal, pilot study is to provide evidence for the use of an eye tracking system as an objective tool to identify mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) related oculomotor dysfunction (OMD) and predict the effectiveness of neurovision rehabilitation (NVR) of OMD. Eye tracking visual stimulus measurements will be compared to objective developmental optometrist (OD) diagnosis and assessments. It will be determined whether an eye tracking system can predict the presence or absence of mTBI related OMD and whether mTBI patients who have OMD based on the eye tracking system will respond positively to NVR.

NCT ID: NCT03313505 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

PROtein S100B for Mild Trauma of the HEad in Emergency Patients

Start date: May 14, 2018
Study type: Observational

Brain injury is a frequent purpose for consultation in emergency services. Management of brain injury is time and resource consuming, combining clinical monitoring and imaging. The stage prior to the management of the victims of brain injury is stratification of the severity, potential or proven. Severe brain injury requires emergent brain CT-scan, ideally within one hour of the first medical contact. Patients requiring this strategy present with focused neurological deficit, Glasgow score <15 to 2 hours after the trauma, suspicion of open fracture of the skull or dish pan fracture, any signs of fracture of the skull base (hemotympanum, bilateral peri-orbital ecchymosis), otorrhea or rhinorrhea of cerebrospinal fluid, more than one episode of vomiting in adults, and posttraumatic convulsion. Patients benefiting from anticoagulant therapy are included in this category. Victims of brain injury that do not fall into this category are considered less critical. By definition, mild traumatic brain injury : - a trauma of the cephalic extremity : - whose Glasgow score (30 min after the trauma or during the consultation) is 13-15, - associated with one or more of the following: confusion; disorientation; loss of consciousness of 30 min or less; post-traumatic amnesia of less than 24 hours; other transient neurological abnormalities (focal signs, epileptic seizures, non-surgical intracranial lesion). Among these patients, some are considered at risk of developing intracerebral lesions. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the prevalence of hemorrhagic complications is radically different between patients with a Glasgow score of 13 and those with a score of 15. Thus, the recommendations suggest a brain scan without injection of contrast media within 4 to 8 hours for patients with the following characteristics : - a retrograde amnesia of more than 30 minutes, - a loss of consciousness or amnesia associated with: - either a risk mechanism (pedestrian overturned by a motor vehicle, ejection of a vehicle, falling by more than one meter), - or an age> 65 years, - or coagulation disorders, including the use of platelet aggregation therapy. Patients who fall outside this definition are considered low risk of complication and should not benefit of imaging. Data from the scientific literature show that an early brain CT-scan allows identification of post-traumatic lesions in this population. Nevertheless, organizational problems, including the availability of the imaging, radiation, and disruption of surveillance related to patient displacement, are limitations to this strategy. In contrast, the low cost-effectiveness of CT scan is often advocated in patients with mild traumatic brain injury. For example, in the Octopus study, 52 of 1316 patients who received CT scan after mild head trauma had an intracerebral lesion. Among these patients, 39 (3%) had intracerebral lesion related to trauma; for 13 (1%) patients, the link with the trauma was uncertain. In fact, the search of alternatives for a safer, more conservative, more efficient practice, one of the objectives of which is to limit the undue use of cerebral scanning. Thus, many teams have been interested in the use of biological variables to guide the decision to use imagery. Among candidate biomarkers, the S100B protein has been the subject of many evaluations which allow it to be used in current practice. Indeed, the increase of the S100B protein carried out within 3 hours following a mild head trauma makes it possible to identify the patients at risk of intracerebral lesion and to target the indications of imaging. The purpose of the registry is to describe the use, interpretation and performance of the S100B protein in its use at bedside in emergency medicine.

NCT ID: NCT03265912 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Evaluating a Novel Method of EEG Evoked Response Potential Analysis in Concussion Assessment

Start date: January 26, 2017
Study type: Observational

mTBI is widely recognized as a major public health concern in the United States and worldwide. mTBI diagnosis remains a clinical challenge as no single test can diagnose every concussion. Recent advances in EEG evoked response potential analysis have led to a novel technique for assessing brain network activation (BNA) patterns. This study purpose is to study this BNA technology in individuals who have sustained a concussion.

NCT ID: NCT03237676 Completed - Clinical trials for Cognitive Impairment

The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy in Improving Cognitive Function of Attention Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Start date: August 1, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This research is a randomised controlled study. The study hypothesis is cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following mild traumatic brain injury will improve patient's cognitive outcome, measured by neuropsychological and neuroimaging parameters. Participant recruitment is from University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. All mild traumatic brain injury participants have to fulfil the study inclusion criteria and written consented for therapy. Control group receives existing patient-centred cognitive treatment whereas intervention group receives individualised structured cognitive rehabilitation therapy. The intervention begins at three months post injury and ends at six months post injury. Study outcome measurements are applied at pre and post treatment. This study was ethically approved by Medical Research Ethics Committee University Malaya Medical Centre (MREC ID NO: 2016928-4293).

NCT ID: NCT03230656 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Cognitive-Communication Screening and Early Therapy for Adults With Mild TBI

Start date: January 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Approximately 15-20% of patients diagnosed with a concussion/mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) have persistent symptoms that continue up to six months or longer. Typical problems identified by these patients include difficulty with memory, multi-tasking, the ability to complete tasks quickly, and higher executive functions (e.g., inhibition, initiation, insight, motivation) (Belanger & Vanderploeg, 2005; Mott, McConnon, & Rieger, 2012, Rabinowitz & Levin, 2014). If these symptoms persist they can not only affect thinking, but also communication abilities (e.g., verbal and nonverbal interactions, reading, and writing) (ASHA, 2007). Therefore, it is hypothesized that screening measures that evaluate both thinking and communication can better identify individuals at-risk for persistent symptoms at two week and four weeks post-injury. Also, if cognitive-communication therapy was administered earlier post-injury, then outcomes related to return to daily activities, work, and/or the academic setting could possibly change. This study intends to investigate the use of cognitive and communication screening measures for the identification of persistent symptoms and the provision of early cognitive-communication therapy if problems persist.

NCT ID: NCT03217695 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

A Study on the Effect of Mindfulness-based Yoga on Youth With Persistent Concussion Symptoms

Start date: April 4, 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), also known as concussion, is of great concern in the youth population, with incidences of injury steadily increasing within the past few years. Current Canadian estimates have indicated that the total rate of concussions per 100,000 increased from 467 to 754 for boys and from 209 to 441 for girls from 2003-2010. As defined by the recent Zurich Consensus statement, concussion is a pathophysiological injury induced by biomechanical forces, which can be caused by impact to the head, neck or body. In 10-20% of youth, concussion symptoms persist in the weeks, months or even years following the injury. Consequently, youth with persistent concussion symptoms are unable to fully participate in the meaningful activities (e.g. attending school, engaging with friends and community) they did prior to the injury and experience a reduced quality of life. Persistent concussion symptoms in youth requires an approach that directly addresses the rumination and attention to distressful thoughts about their functional performance, while still promoting appropriate levels of physical and cognitive demands. Targeting these constructs may shift the focus away from symptoms, while building self-efficacy and enhancing participation in daily activities. Mindfulness-based yoga (MBY) is a mind-body intervention that uses physical yoga poses, purposeful breathing techniques and a focus on being in the present moment. MBY encourages participants to develop moment-to-moment awareness of physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts, and promotes the cultivation of non-judgemental and accepting relationships to personal experiences. In chronic pain, fibromyalgia, mental health and now TBI populations, MBY has demonstrated benefits in physical (i.e. increased muscle strength, endurance), psychological (i.e. decreased stress, increased self-efficacy), cognitive (i.e. increased concentration) and social (i.e. emotional regulation, improved mood) domains. Although mindfulness based yoga has been validated as a form of rehabilitation in the adult population, its applicability for youth with persistent concussion symptoms has yet to be explored. Understanding the impact of a MBY intervention on this population may enhance management of persistent symptoms and ultimately, participation in meaningful activities. In addition to the functional sequelae that ensue following this injury, concussion in both the acute and persistent phases is being recognized as a neurophysiological injury. Traditional methods of assessment following concussion place emphasis on subjective self-report and administration of neuropsychological batteries. These assessments are used in an effort to return the youth to activity (i.e school, sport). However, these methods can be unreliable as youth have a high incentive to return to play and neurocognitive resolution does not necessarily equate to pre-injury function. To augment these measures, an objective indicator of neurophysiological stress is needed. Heart rate variability (HRV) is an objective, neurophysiological indicator of autonomic nervous system functioning. HRV is quantified by measuring the time intervals between heartbeats. Increased variability in heart rate (i.e. increased HRV) is seen as healthy neurophysiological function, demonstrating an individual's ability to adapt and be flexible to the demands of the environment. Conversely, decreased HRV is demonstrative of an individual's reduced ability to respond flexibly to their environment. Investigating the impact of persistent concussion symptoms on HRV has the potential to enhance our understanding of autonomic nervous system functioning in the chronic phases of this injury for an understudied population. The specific objectives are to: (1) adapt the MBY intervention protocol to suit the unique needs of youth with mTBI (i.e. safety, fatigue), (2) collect data on the impact of MBY on HRV, self-efficacy and participation, (3) describe changes in HRV, self-efficacy and participation associated with MBY across pre-intervention, post-intervention and 3 months following intervention, (4) identify if post concussion symptoms change (i.e. increase or decrease) following MBY and (5) identify if changes in post concussion symptoms occur with changes in HRV, self-efficacy and participation.

NCT ID: NCT03214432 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Return to Work After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Start date: July 1, 2017
Study type: Observational

Background: Patients with mild traumatic brain injury can to some extend experience long-term physical, cognitive, social and behavioral deficits, which have serious implications for employment trajectories and financial independence. These deficits have shown to be more pronounced in women. High socio-economic position such as income, level of education and employment status before the accident have shown to affect return to work. But also cohabitation status, ethnicity and health are important factors. Previously studies are typically self-report studies, and are often small and may suffer from selection bias due to patient nonresponse. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe no return to work among patients with mild traumatic brain injury in Denmark and to examine how factors such as age, gender, cohabitation status, socio-economic and pre-injury health factors affect no return to work up to 5 years post-injury. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that most patients with mild traumatic brain injury return to work within work 6 months post-injury, and that patients with mild traumatic brain injury injury receive more social transfer payments compared to the general population. Additionally, we hypothesize that low socio economic position, comorbidities and being single are associated with prolonged no return to work. Methods: The present study is an observational national register-based cohort study with long-term follow up of patients with mild traumatic brain injury from 1st of January 2008 - 31st of December 2012 in Denmark. Patients aged 18-60 years diagnosed with concussion from 1st of January 2003-31st of December 2007 in the national patient register will be included in the study. Data will be retrieved from several national databases, including the DREAM database containing data on social benefits and reimbursements. Primary outcome is no-return to work (nRTW) due to any cause and the following four secondary outcomes are graded and should be regarded as a continuum ranging from health related nRTW, limited nRTW, permanently nRTW and mortality. The results will be published as two separate scientific articles.

NCT ID: NCT03195738 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Feasibility of a Cognitive Intervention for Youth Post Concussion

Start date: July 25, 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and effects of a cognitive intervention for youth following concussion

NCT ID: NCT03084211 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Prescribed Light Exercise for ED Patients With MTBI

Start date: June 19, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Introduction: Current guidelines for treating patients with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) recommend a period of cognitive rest and gradual return to usual activities with avoidance of any activity that exacerbates symptoms. However, recent studies have reported prolonged rest beyond 48 hours might hinder MTBI recovery, and there is limited evidence to suggest following guidelines has a positive impact on prognosis. Given the paucity of effective management strategies to prevent post-concussion syndrome (PCS) and emerging evidence of the benefits of exercise in MTBI patients, there is an urgent need for more research on the effectiveness of an early exercise intervention in the acute MTBI patient population as prevention of PCS. Research Question: Among adult (18-64 years) patients presenting to the ED with a discharge diagnosis of acute MTBI (defined by the Zurich consensus statement), does prescribing light exercise (ie: 30 min daily walking) reduce the proportion of patients with PCS at 30 days, compared to standard discharge instructions? Methods: This will be a randomized controlled trial of adult (18-64 years) patients discharged from an academic ED diagnosed with MTBI occurring within 48 hours of the index ED visit. The intervention group will receive discharge instructions prescribing 30 minutes of light exercise (ie: walking) and the control group will be instructed to gradually return to activities. Discharge instructions will be read by the attending physician or ED nurse. Patients will be provided a printed copy of the discharge instructions. Depending on their preferences, patients will be contacted by email or by telephone to complete the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ), a validated, 16 item questionnaire. The primary outcome of this study will be the proportion of patients with PCS at 30 days, defined as an increase from baseline of ≥ 3 symptoms on the validated RPQ at 1 month. Secondary outcomes will include change in RPQ from baseline to 72 hours, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days post initial ED visit, number of missed days of school or work and repeat visits to a healthcare provider. To assess compliance with ED discharge instructions, patients will be asked to complete a daily activity journal and will be given fitness tracking devices.

NCT ID: NCT03011983 Completed - Clinical trials for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Neural Injury in Adolescents With Concussion

Start date: April 11, 2017
Study type: Observational

This study utilizes multimodal brain imaging to obtain quantitative biomarkers of brain injury and to improve understanding of the biological basis of brain pathology in adolescents with concussion. Adolescents with a concussion will undergo neuroimaging and neuropsychology assessments acutely and four months after injury.