View clinical trials related to Midface Volume Deficit.
Filter by:Evaluation of the safety and performance of the investigational device in its three concentrations for cheek and lips augmentation and correction of the nasolabial folds, assuming that the performance of the product will be demonstrated based on the responder rates observed compared to baseline.
A Study to Evaluate the Performance and Safety of YVOIRE volume plus for Temporary Improvement of Mid-face Volume
This is a randomized, evaluator-blinded, no-treatment controlled study in subjects with Midface Volume Deficit and/or Midface Contour Deficiency.
This investigation aims to confirm the safety and effectiveness of Princess VOLUME PLUS Lidocaine in midface volume deficit augmentation and includes a long term safety followup.
This is a randomized, evaluator-blinded, no-treatment controlled study in subjects with Midface Volume Deficit and/or Midface Contour Deficiency.
This is a randomized, multi-center, evaluator-blinded, no-treatment controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Restylane Perlane Lidocaine for correction of Midface Volume Deficit and/or Midface Contour Deficiency.