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Microvascular Resistance clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04598308 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Microvascular Angina

EUROpean Coronary microCirculatory Resistance and Absolute Flow Trial

Start date: October 1, 2020
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Rationale: coronary microvascular disease is a relatively 'new' entity within the field of cardiology. The investigators are able to investigate the microcirculation by measurements performed in the catheterization laboratory. But even though measurements are performed on a daily basis, a lot of questions regarding microvascular disease remain. The rationale of this registry is to get an overview of patients and measurement values in daily routine practice. Objective and main endpoint: No previous registries have been set-up where coronary blood flow and resistance was systematically stored. Therefore the analyses will be mainly descriptive. The objective is to acquire a better insight in the indications and use of this technique in everyday practice , its consequences for clinical decision making, and to enable interventionalists to exchange mutual knowledge about this specific methodology and about the coronary microcirculation in general. Study design: prospective registry Study population: All patients who underwent coronary angiography with or without coronary intervention for any reason and if an indication for the foreseen intracoronary physiologic measurements is present according to the discretion of the operator. Intervention (if applicable): none, only usage of measurement data. The only 'intervention' for all patients is a questionnaire.