Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Other |
Health economics analysis of the HELMS program |
Cost benefit analysis from health expenses and diseases outcomes |
Composite analysis between preconception visit which is up to 12 months before pregnancy and until infant age 18 months |
Other |
Maternal general health and wellbeing |
From questionnaire, expressed in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Offspring health and general wellbeing |
From questionnaire and/or medical records, expressed in percentages |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring metabolomic profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring genomic profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring epigenetic profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring biochemical profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring metabolic profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring immunological profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Offspring molecular profile |
From cord blood, placenta, infant blood and/or skin biopsy |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Other |
Maternal metabolomic profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal genomic profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal epigenetic profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal temperature |
Measured by skin temperature sensor, in degree celsius |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal biochemical profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal metabolic profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal immunological profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Maternal molecular profile |
From blood, urine and/or saliva samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body weight |
Measured by weighing scale, in kilograms |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body weight status |
Determined by body mass index based on weight (kg) /height (m)2 |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body fat distribution |
Determined from waist hip circumferences in centimetres |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal abdominal fat |
Determined from waist hip circumferences in ratio |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body composition |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body fat mass |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body lean mass |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal body visceral fat |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal health and general well-being - self assessment |
From questionnaires |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal health and general well-being |
From digital sensor |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal immunological profile |
From blood and/or urine samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal biochemical profile |
From blood and/or urine samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal metabolic profile |
From blood and/or urine samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Paternal molecular profile |
From blood and/or urine samples |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk macronutrient profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk micronutrient profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk immune factor profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk epigenetic profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk biochemical profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk metabolic profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk microbiome profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Breast milk molecular profile (subsample) |
From breast milk sample |
Up to 1 year, between date of delivery and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Maternal transcriptomics |
From blood and/or breast milk samples |
Up to 36 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 1 year postpartum |
Other |
Infant transcriptomics |
From blood |
Up to 36 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 1 year postpartum |
Primary |
Pregnancy rate |
Defined by positive urine pregnancy test, clinical diagnosis and/or ultrasound scan showing intrauterine gestation sac, in percentages |
Up to 12 months |
Primary |
Maternal metabolic health |
Evaluated by metabolic syndrome criteria |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Primary |
Maternal mental health |
Measured by Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, scored between 0 to 30, with a higher score being suggestive of depression |
Up to 26 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 4 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Fecundability |
Measured by time to pregnancy in total discrete cycles at risk of pregnancy |
Up to 12 months, between dates of last menstrual period at recruitment and before conception (for pregnant women) or last follow-up call (for non-pregnant women) |
Secondary |
Female sexual function |
Measured by Female Sexual Function Index, with a higher score being suggestive of better sexual function |
Up to 3 months, between date of recruitment and 3 months preconception follow-up |
Secondary |
Pregnancy loss rate |
Based on ultrasound scan and medical records, in percentage |
Up to 42 weeks, between date of conception and date of delivery |
Secondary |
Live birth rates |
Based on ultrasound scan and medical records, in percentage |
Up to 42 weeks, between date of conception and date of delivery |
Secondary |
Maternal lipid levels |
Including total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, in mmol/L |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal glycaemic marker - plasma glucose |
Measured by plasma glucose levels, in mmol/L |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal glycaemic marker - HbA1c |
Measured by HbA1c, in percentage |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal glycaemic marker - C-peptide |
Measured by C-peptide, in SI unit |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal glycaemic markers - Insulin |
Measured by serum insulin, in SI unit |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal glucose tolerance status |
Measured by Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), in mmol/L |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal blood pressure |
Measured by blood pressure device for systolic and diastolic pressures in mmHg |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal heart rate |
Measured by blood pressure device or sensor in beats per minutes |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body weight |
Measured by weighing scale in kilograms |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body weight status |
Determined by body mass index based on weight (kg) /height (m)2 |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body fat distribution |
Determined from waist hip circumferences in centimeters |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal abdominal fat |
Determined from waist hip circumferences in ratio |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body composition |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body fat mass |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal visceral fat |
Determined from body fat analysis in volumes |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal body lean mass |
Determined from body fat analysis in percentages |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal nutrient intake |
Measured by food diary and/or food frequency questionnaire in SI units of respective nutrients |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal food intake |
Measured by food diary and/or food frequency questionnaire in serving sizes |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal food intakes |
Measured by food diary and/or food frequency questionnaire in grams |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal dietary pattern |
Measured by food diary and/or food frequency questionnaire using factor loading analysis |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal food timing |
Measured by food diary in time phase |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal eating episodes |
Measured by food diary in eating frequency |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal dietary behaviour - 6P |
Measured by 6P Questionnaire based on each factor in the questionnaire |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal dietary behaviour - TFEQ |
Measured by Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, based on the scores from each category |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal micronutrient status |
Micronutrient panel from plasma or breastmilk such as 1-carbon metabolites, vitamin D and E, expressed in SI units of respective micronutrients |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal physical activity level - self assessment |
Measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire, with a higher score suggesting higher physical activity level |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal physical activity |
Measured by accelerometer and/or digital sensor, in respective SI units |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal sedentary behaviour - self assessment |
Measured by sedentary behaviour questionnaire, in hours and minutes per day, with longer duration suggestive of greater sedentary behaviour |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal sedentary behaviour |
Measured by accelerometer and/or digital sensor, in respective SI units |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal sleep - PSQI |
Measured by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, scored from 0-21, with higher score suggestive of poor sleep quality |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal sleep |
Measured by accelerometer and/or digital sensor, in respective SI units |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal emotional wellbeing |
Measured by questionnaires |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Maternal ocular health |
Measured by retinal vessel characteristics (including vessel caliber, geometric assessment and vasoreactivity) |
Up to 21 months, from preconception until 36 weeks gestation |
Secondary |
Maternal ocular health |
Measured by retinal and choroidal characteristics using three-dimensional volumetric (OCT-A) imaging systems |
Up to 21 months, from preconception until 36 weeks gestation |
Secondary |
Maternal personality trait |
Measured by M5-50 questionnaire, with classification into respective personality types |
At preconception |
Secondary |
Duration of gestation |
Defined as the length of pregnancy, in months and days |
Up to 42 weeks, between estimated date of conception from menstrual and ultrasound scan and date of delivery |
Secondary |
Number of participants with gestational diabetes |
Determined by oral glucose tolerance test during pregnancy |
Up to 20 weeks, between 12 and 32 weeks gestation |
Secondary |
Number of participants with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy |
Including pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia from questionnaire and/or retrieved from medical records |
Up to 42 weeks, between date of conception and date of delivery |
Secondary |
Mode of labour onset, course of delivery and delivery outcomes |
From questionnaire and/or retrieved from medical records, reported in percentages |
Delivery |
Secondary |
Maternal pain |
Measured by pain questionnaire |
Up to 5 months, between 32 weeks gestation and 6-8 weeks post-delivery |
Secondary |
Antenatal, perinatal and postnatal complications |
From questionnaire and/or retrieved from medical records, reported in percentages |
Up to 50 weeks, between date of conception and up to 8 weeks postpartum |
Secondary |
Neonatal complications and admission to neonatal care facilities |
From questionnaire and/or retrieved from medical records, reported in percentages |
Up to 4 weeks, between date of delivery and 4 weeks post-delivery |
Secondary |
Offspring body weight |
Weight measured in grams |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Secondary |
Offspring body size at birth |
Adjusted for gestational age and sex, expressed in percentile |
At birth |
Secondary |
Offspring body length |
Measured in centimeters |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Secondary |
Offspring head circumference |
Measured in centimeters |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Secondary |
Intrauterine growth of foetus |
As assessed by antenatal serial ultrasound scans to determine head and abdominal circumference, femur length and estimated foetal weight |
Up to 30 weeks, between 7 weeks gestation and 37 weeks of gestation |
Secondary |
Offspring feeding |
Measured types of feeding using questionnaires |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Secondary |
Offspring gut microbiome |
Measured from stool samples |
Up to 18 months, from birth to infant age 18 months |
Secondary |
Maternal gut microbiome |
Measured from stool samples |
Up to 24 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 2 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Influence of parental and offspring genotypes, body compositions, lifestyle and diet on the above primary and secondary outcomes |
Measured by questionnaires, accelerometer, digital sensor and/or biomarkers |
Up to 40 months, between preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Acceptability and adherence levels |
From questionnaire, with higher score indicates higher acceptability and adherence |
Up to 40 months, at preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |
Secondary |
Satisfactory level of participants with the HELMS program |
From patient satisfaction questionnaire in a Likert scale, with a higher score suggesting greater satisfaction |
Up to 40 months, at preconception, pregnancy and 18 months postpartum |