View clinical trials related to Menopause Syndrome.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to determine the safety, tolerability, and preliminary effectiveness of NOE-115 on moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes) due to menopause in women.
The purpose of this research is to determine whether hot water therapy (i.e. taking prolonged hot baths on multiple consecutive days) decreases hot flash symptoms and improves mood in women who are undergoing or who have underwent menopause. It is hypothesized that women who undergo hot water therapy will have reduced hot flash symptoms and improved mood. Initial tracking period: Women who volunteer to participate in this study will be asked to track the frequency and intensity of their hot flash and other menopause-related symptoms for an initial two week period. Afterwards, they will start their heat therapy program. Physiological assessments: On days 1, 7, and 13 of the heat therapy sessions, the participants will enter a climate controlled room to have their thermoregulatory responses assessed. This will consist of slowly walking on a motorized treadmill in 99.5°F (37.5°C) and 30% relative humidity conditions, for 30 min, after which the humidity in the climate chamber will be progressively increased until their core temperature begins to increase (~2 hour total time). Before and/or during these trials, core temperature, heart rate, whole-body sweat losses, thermal comfort, local sweat rate, and skin blood flow will be measured, and a 6 ml (~1 tsp) blood sample will be taken, to assess how the participants respond to the heat stress. These sessions should take less than 3 hours to complete. Hot water therapy sessions: Upon enrolling in the study, the participants will be assigned to one of two groups: water bathing at 105°F or 97°F in the lab. On days 2-6 and 8-12 of the therapy sessions, the participants will immerse themselves to a water level at the shoulders for ~30 min, followed by immersion to the hip level for ~60 min (total immersion time of 90 min). Post-intervention tracking period: after completing the heat therapy sessions, the participants will be asked to continue to take baths at home once every 4 days for 1 month. During this time, the participants will be asked to record the intensity and frequency of their hot flashes daily and other menopause-related symptoms weekly. At the end of this month the participants will be given a final exit survey, in order for them to provide the researchers information about their experience participating in the study.
Tissues of the genitals of women are both androgen (testosterone) and estrogen dependent. The clitoris, vestibule, urethra, anterior vaginal wall, peri-urethral tissue, and pelvic floor all depend on androgens for normal function. In addition, the glands, which secrete lubrication during sexual arousal, also require androgens to function. Deficiencies of both estrogens and androgens occur naturally during menopause. Menopause-related deficiencies of these hormones lead to thinning in the tissues of the genital and urinary systems which have been termed Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). Patients with GSM will frequently complain of dryness and/or pain during sexual intercourse. Historically, GSM treatment involved both androgens and estrogens, However, over the past few decades estrogen based therapies have become much more common. More recently, clinical trials have demonstrated that local vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (Intrarosa®) improves symptoms in menopausal women who have moderate to severe pain with intercourse. Intrarosa® vaginal inserts are a prescription medicine approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used in women after menopause to treat moderate to severe pain during sexual intercourse caused by changes in and around the vagina that happen with menopause.