View clinical trials related to Meningococcal Meningitis.
Filter by:The proposed study will evaluate the safety of the rMenB+OMV NZ in an adult population potentially at risk for meningococcal disease (e.g. lab workers). In the second part of the study additional blood samples of high responding vaccinated subjects will be collected for the purpose of generating a control serum panel for the human serum bactericidal assay (hSBA) tests.
This study compares the safety and immunogenicity profile of several travel vaccines given alone or concomitantly with MenACWY-CRM to healthy adults.
This study compares the safety and immunogenicity profile of combined hepatitis A/B vaccine given alone or concomitantly with MenACWY-CRM to healthy adults.
The study was to evaluate the safety and and immune response of each of three lots of Novartis Meningococcal C Conjugate Vaccine (MenC-CRM Liquid) when administered to Healthy Toddlers.
The main objective is to determine whether immune responses to Tdap (GlaxoSmithKline, Boostrix®) and HPV vaccine (Merck & Co., Inc., Gardasil®) when administered concomitantly with MenACWY are comparable to responses elicited by these vaccines when given alone.
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the equivalence of rMenB+OMV NZ lot 1 to rMenB+OMV NZ lot 2 when administered to adolescents, as measured by human serum bactericidal activity (hSBA) geometric mean titers (GMTs) against 3 N. meningitidis serogroup B reference strains (H44/76, 5/99, and NZ98/254) and as measured by ELISA geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) against vaccine antigen 287-953, approximately 30 days after a primary vaccination course of two doses administered one month apart.
This study will evaluate safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a booster dose of a meningococcal vaccine formulation in adolescents.
The proposed study is aimed at assessing the safety and immunogenicity of rMenB+OMV NZ when administered alone without routine infant vaccines to healthy infants in their first year of life according to different two and three dose immunization schedules, which are suitable to be adopted by various national programs. This study will also investigate antibody persistence post primary series and administration of a subsequent booster dose of rMenB+OMV NZ at 11 months of age. In addition, this study will assess the safety and immunogenicity of two catch-up doses of rMenB+OMV NZ when administered to healthy children 2 to 10 years of age. This study will also evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the concomitant administration of rMenB+OMV NZ with meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (MenC-CRM) according to a 3, 5 and 12-month schedule.
This study is designed to evaluate the immunogenicity and the safety of a quadrivalent vaccine MenACWY-CRM in healthy subjects from 11 to 55 years of age in Korea.
The purpose of this trial is to describe antibody persistence and response to re-vaccination with either Menactra® or Menomune® vaccine approximately three years following initial vaccination in adults who participated in trial MTA29 (NCT00874549). Objectives: - To describe the rates of immediate reactions, solicited injection-site and systemic reactions, all unsolicited adverse events, and serious adverse events following vaccination. - To evaluate persistence of serum bactericidal antibodies in subjects who received Menactra® or Menomune® vaccine approximately three years ago. - To evaluate the immune response to serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135 in subjects re-vaccinated with either Menactra® or Menomune® vaccine.