View clinical trials related to Meningitis.
Filter by:This phase I-II multicenter international trial is designed to study the pharmacokinetics of meropenem and to characterize the safety profile of meropenem in the treatment of infants ≤ 90 days of postnatal age with probable or confirmed bacterial meningitis.
This study will evaluate the immunogenicity of a single injection of Novartis Meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine in healthy subjects from the age of 2 years and above in India.
The main purpose of this trial is to test if mortality of childhood bacterial meningitis can be reduced by slow, continuous infusion of cefotaxime initially, instead of the traditional bolus administration four times daily (qid), combined with high-dose paracetamol orally, when both treatments are executed for the first 4 days. The series will be collected at Hospital Pediátrico David Bernardino, Luanda, Angola. The recruitment of patients begins, the conditions permitting, in early 2012. The criteria for patient participation is a child at the age of 2 months to 15 years who presents with the symptoms and signs suggestive of bacterial meningitis, for whom a lumbar puncture is performed, and the cerebrospinal fluid analysis suggests bacterial meningitis.
This will be a stepped wedge randomized trial design to evaluate the implementation of cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) screening and preemptive anti-fungal therapy of HIV-infected persons entering antiretroviral therapy (ART) outpatient treatment in Uganda. Those who are ART eligible with a CD4≤100 cells/mcL will have a serum/plasma CRAG performed by lateral flow assay. Those who are CRAG-positive and asymptomatic will be treated with high dose fluconazole. After 6 months survival with retention-in-care will be compared between those who are CRAG+ and CRAG negative
5 Children > 3months and < 16 years with Gram-positive meningitis will receive a single dose of daptomycin 24 hours after the first dose of ceftriaxone. 4-8 hours after daptomycin administration a second lumbar puncture is performed to determine the peak concentration of daptomycin in the cerebrospinal fluid. In parallel peak and trough level of daptomycin will be measured in the plasma. The investigators anticipate that daptomycin penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid in bactericidal concentrations
This study is designed to assess the safety and immunogenicity of a single dose of Meningococcal (Groups A, C, Y and W-135) Polysaccharide Diphtheria Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine (SP284) to support registration of the product in Japan. Primary Objective: - To describe the seroprotection rate [% of subjects with serum bactericidal assay using baby rabbit complement (SBA-BR) ≥1:128] to meningococcal antigens (serogroups A, C, Y and W-135) following vaccination with SP284 vaccine in subjects 2 through 55 years of age Secondary Objectives: - To describe the safety following receipt of SP284 vaccine in subjects 2 through 55 years of age - To describe the immune responses to meningococcal antigens (serogroups A, C, Y and W-135) following vaccination with SP284 vaccine in subjects 2 through 55 years of age.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of a new conjugate vaccine, NmVac4-A/C/Y/W-135-DT, compared to the safety of a similar, licensed meningococcal A/C/Y/W-135-DT conjugate vaccine. The investigators will also evaluate the production of antibodies to of NmVac4-A/C/Y/W-135-DT™ conjugate vaccine compared to the licensed vaccine, as a measure of vaccine effectiveness.
The proposed study will evaluate the safety of the rMenB+OMV NZ in an adult population potentially at risk for meningococcal disease (e.g. lab workers). In the second part of the study additional blood samples of high responding vaccinated subjects will be collected for the purpose of generating a control serum panel for the human serum bactericidal assay (hSBA) tests.
To evaluate the efficacy of the prophylaxis with phenytoin in the prevention of seizures in patients with pneumococcal meningitis. Hypothesis: Administration of prophylactic phenytoin will reduce the incidence of seizures in patients with pneumococcal meningitis older than 50 yrs.
This study compares the safety and immunogenicity profile of several travel vaccines given alone or concomitantly with MenACWY-CRM to healthy adults.