View clinical trials related to Meningitis.
Filter by:This study will investigate the breadth of protection against meningococcal disease in humans immunized with a newly FDA approved meningococcal B vaccine, trade name "Trumenba®" manufactured by Pfizer Vaccines. As a secondary goal the investigators will investigate underlying mechanisms by which human anti-FHbp antibodies elicit complement-mediated bactericidal activity.
This study is looking at a new vaccine that might prevent meningococcal disease, and will study the immune response elicited by this vaccine when given to healthy young children. The study will also look at the safety of the new vaccine as well as how it is tolerated.
The trial includes groups receiving various combinations of meningitis C and pertussis containing vaccines, to be administered concomitantly in adolescents due their school leaving booster vaccinations (as per UK routine immunisation schedule at 13-17 years of age). Immunogenicity and reactogenicity will be assessed.
Suriname is a small developing country in South America with a population of half a million people. Early neonatal death in Suriname is high with 16 per 1000 live births. Unpublished data from the Suriname Perinatal and Infant Mortality Survey estimate contribution of infection to early neonatal mortality at 25% (4 per 1000 live births) of all deaths. In comparison, incidence rates of neonatal sepsis alone are 3.5 per 1000 live births. These numbers indicate an increased burden of neonatal infection in Suriname versus the U.S. In any case about 40 newborns that die each year of infection are a huge loss, also considering the small Surinamese community. Despite this overall idea on the impact of infectious disease in Surinamese neonates exact information regarding incidence, type of infection (e.g., localized, viral, early-onset or late-onset sepsis), risk factors (e.g., insufficient antenatal care, maternal Group B-Streptococcus status), etiology, microbial causes, morbidity, antibiotic treatment (type and duration), and epidemiological determinants (e.g., gestational age, sex, ethnicity) are lacking. From a clinical perspective, there is still a challenge to identify neonates with infection. Neonates are often admitted with ambivalent clinical symptoms and receive preventive antibiotics that are costly, promote pathogen-resistance, and have negative long-term effects (i.e., on the development of the intestinal bacterial flora). Currently, assessment of blood leukocyte or trombocyte counts and levels of CRP are insufficiently sensitive to be used as biomarkers, while confirmation of actual sepsis or meningitis by positive culture results is relatively rare (0.5-3% in the United States). This complicates decisions on duration of antibiotic treatment and hospitalization significantly, while no other biomarkers exist. The circulating isoforms of adhesion molecules (cAMs), which mediate interactions of leukocytes with the vascular endothelium, have been proposed as biomarkers for infection and sepsis. During infection they accumulate in the bloodstream as a result of shedding, which represents their removal from cell surfaces of endothelial cells and leukocytes by enzymes called sheddases. Recently, we have reviewed mechanisms behind shedding of cAMs in neonatal, pediatric and adult sepsis. The shedding process reflects a critical and active process in orchestrating interaction between leukocytes and the endothelium for an effective host response, while minimizing collateral tissue damage. As a result, both plasma levels of cAMs and their sheddases are subject to change during infection and sepsis. Additionally, compelling, albeit limited, data suggest changes of levels of cAMs in CSF in adult and pediatric meningitis. To date, some evidence exists of changes in levels of cAMs during malaria (in children from Malawi) and sepsis, although not sensitive enough to predict outcomes in the clinic. Those levels have never been assessed simultaneously with levels of their sheddases in blood or CSF as a diagnostic tool. We propose that this combined approach may provide more detailed information about the extent of inflammatory activation in neonates.While a balance in levels is maintained under resting conditions or mild (local) infection, it may be perturbed during sepsis or meningitis . Thus, simultaneous measurement of these levels could promote early identification of infection, and may even distinguish between mild infection, systemic infection or meningitis. Currently, manufacturers are rapidly developing Luminex® technology as an advanced, fast, high-throughput and clinically feasible bedside tool for such an approach. We hypothesize that incidence rates of neonates with infection in Suriname are high. We further hypothesize that, upon signs of infection, the simultaneous measurement of cAMs and their SEs in serum and CSF discriminates between infected and non-infected neonates. We aim to: 1) identify and follow neonates at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo with signs of infection to establish incidence rates of infection, and 2) investigate diagnostic potential of our proposed biomarker combination in these neonates for infection, type of infection (e.g., local (mild), sepsis or meningitis) and outcomes.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether deficiency of Vitamin D has association with outcomes of children with bacterial meningitis.
The study will determine if the initiation of a 'screen and treat' program for cryptococcal disease among HIV positive individuals decreases morbidity and mortality among individuals with CD4 count < 100 cells/mm3. The study will screen individuals who are asymptomatic for CM and are either ART naïve or ART experienced with CD4 count < 100 cells/mm3. The introduction of an cheap, easy to use point of care diagnostic test the lateral flow assay will facilitate rapid diagnosis of cryptococcal disease in resource limited settings. The investigators will determine the efficacy of the lateral flow assay in identifying latent and asymptomatic cryptococcal disease. The investigators will determine the efficacy of the test in detecting disease in readily available body fluids such as urine and whole blood obtained via finger-stick method. The investigators will also determine the cost effectiveness of a screen and treat approach for cryptococcal disease in Zimbabwe. The investigators also wish to understand why some individuals with low CD4 counts reactivate cryptococcal disease and screen positive for cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) while others with similar levels of immunocompromised do not.
This prospective surveillance study will be conducted over a 2 year period to determine current rates of Early-Onset Sepsis (EOS)/ Early-Onset Meningitis (EOM), associated pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, signs and symptoms and infant outcomes.
The purpose of this pre-licensure cohort study is to estimate the incidence of adverse events of special interest (AESI), other adverse events (AE) leading to hospitalisation or death, meningitis and malaria in sub-Saharan African children under 5 years of age. The outcomes of this study will provide the baseline data for the post-licensure EPI-MALARIA-003 (115056) study that will evaluate the safety, effectiveness and impact of the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine. An interim analysis was performed on a sub-group of study participants enrolled in active surveillance from sites where the vaccine is currently implemented, having 6 months of follow-up following the administration of dose 3 of DTP/HepB/Hib vaccine (6-12 weeks group), or 6 months after Visit 3 (mimicking the RTS,S/AS01E primary vaccination schedule) for the 5-17 months group; corresponding to Visit 5. The interim analysis concerned primary safety endpoints and the main secondary endpoints.
It is hypothesized that implementing plasma CrAg screening in clinics providing routine HIV care will enable identification of Vietnamese adult patients with advanced HIV (CD4 ≤100 cells/μL) who have early cryptococcal disease, enable prompt preemptive treatment with high-dose fluconazole, and improve survival.
The main objective of this study is: - to establish etiology of acute aseptic meningitis/meningoencephalitis in Slovenia - to assess the clinical course and outcome of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme neuroborreliosis - to characterize the inflammatory proteins, gene polymorphisms, and transcriptome profiles in patients with tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme neuroborreliosis