View clinical trials related to Malnutrition; Protein.
Filter by:This cluster-randomized controlled trial is designed to address linear growth faltering in 6-12-mo-old Bangladesh infants through a proof-of-concept package of interventions to a) increase intake of high quality protein and b) control enteric pathogens.
Physical inactivity and protein malnutrition have been implicated to be key and modifiable causes of enhanced muscle mass loss among seniors. However, the individual benefit, as well as the additive or possibly interactive benefit of exercise and Protein supplementation on fall prevention has yet to be confirmed in a large clinical trial. This study aims to test the individual and combined effect and cost-effectiveness of a simple home exercise program and / or protein supplementation on the risk of falling in seniors at high risk of progressive muscle mass loss and sarcopenia.
Rationale: Undernutrition risk among community-dwelling older adults in developed countries is shown to be around 24%. Increasing protein intake is a strategy that is feasible as well as efficacious to reduce undernutrition in community-dwelling older adults. A promising strategy to increase protein intake among older adults, is to offer dietary solutions with normal foods that fit their current daily eating patterns. For this reason, home-delivered protein-rich readymade meals and protein-rich dairy products will be studied in this research. Objective: The primary objective is to study the effectiveness of commercially available protein-rich readymade meals and protein-rich dairy products in increasing protein intake of older adults who use a meal-delivery service to a level of 1.2 g/kg bodyweight/d. Secondary objectives include: studying effects of these meals and dairy products on total daily energy intake. Further, studying the acceptance of and compliance to the meals and dairy products. Study design: The study will be performed as a single-blind randomized, controlled, four-week trial in a real-life setting: in community-dwelling older adults' own homes. Study population: The target group of this study are community-dwelling older adults who use a meal-delivery service. Intervention: Both groups will receive readymade meals for each day during 4 weeks. They will also receive dairy products to freely consume during the intervention period. The intervention groups receives protein-rich meals and protein-rich dairy products, the control receives standard meals and food products. Main study parameters/endpoints: Difference in daily protein intake between intervention and control group. Secondary parameters: energy intake and acceptance (liking).