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Clinical Trial Summary

Sepsis and severe malaria together contribute to an estimated 13 million deaths annually, a great burden of which is in low-income countries. Optimal fluid management is critical yet remains one of the most challenging clinical care elements as volume overload precipitates pulmonary edema and volume restriction may exacerbate acute kidney injury. These complications of sepsis and severe malaria significantly increase mortality, particularly in resource-limited settings lacking mechanical ventilation and renal replacement therapy. Point-of-care ultrasound and passive leg raise testing are two easily implementable, safe and non-invasive clinical bedside fluid assessment tools that could be applied towards developing a fluid management algorithm in low resource settings. Similarly, simple tissue perfusion measures can facilitate understanding of precise indications or contraindication to fluid and vasopressor therapy. However, the performance of these tools has yet to be confirmed in these settings. Accurate assessment of pulmonary tolerance and fluid responsive patients could aid to tailor vasopressor and fluid therapy to the patient condition and disease phase, thus preventing or detecting iatrogenic pulmonary edema and other pulmonary complications. As there is currently limited evidence supporting fluid management recommendations for severe malaria and sepsis in low-resource settings, the potential application of these management tools could optimize supportive therapy and improve outcomes in these populations. The main activity proposed is a prospective, observational study of patients with sepsis and severe malaria to describe the relationship between fluid therapy and vasopressor therapy against measures of tissue perfusion and pulmonary congestion in adult patients with severe malaria or severe sepsis. In addition, the study will assess the performance of simple bedside clinical tools assessing fluid responsiveness, pulmonary congestion and peripheral tissue perfusion. The data from this observational study will facilitate the preparation of a follow-up study to test a clinical algorithm to guide individualized fluid and vasopressor administration.

Clinical Trial Description

This will be a single center, prospective, longitudinal, observational study of patients with sepsis or severe malaria. It is planned that this initial observational study will inform a follow-up intervention study, based on the observational study findings (Lung Ultrasound and Passive Leg Raising- guided Vasopressors and Fluid Management in Patients with Sepsis and Severe Malaria). The follow-up study will propose testing of a clinical algorithm to individualize titration of vasopressors, diuretics and fluids based on the simple tools evaluated during the observational study. The expected duration of study patient participation is 30 days. Patients will be assessed every 6 hours until fever clearance, parasite clearance (in malaria patients) and GCS normalization (score of 15) on two consecutive assessments. Thereafter, patients will be assessed daily until discharge or death with one follow-up visit at 14 days and a follow-up call at day 30. The prospective, observational recruitment phase of the study is expected to last 15 months. Funder: Wellcome Trust of Great Britain, Grant reference number: 220211/A/20/Z ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03641534
Study type Observational
Source University of Oxford
Status Completed
Start date June 4, 2018
Completion date September 26, 2019

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
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