View clinical trials related to Lung Separation Techniques.
Filter by:Surgery involving the chest cavity, particularly VATS procedures, often require one-lung ventilation. The double-lumen tube (DLT) is considered the gold standard for lung isolation with different models of bronchial blockers (BB) used in special populations and circumstances. Their routine use is impeded by prolonged placement times, frequent malpositionings and higher costs when compared to the DLT, as recently reported in a meta-analysis by Clayton-Smith et al. The VivaSightâ„¢ SL+EB as a combination of a single-lumen tube with an integrated camera and a bronchial blocker allows for endobronchial placement without the use of a fiberoptic bronchoscope. An external monitor provides continuous visualization of the tracheal carina and the position of the bronchial cuff. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of the VivaSightâ„¢ SL+EB when compared to a left-sided double-lumen tube and established bronchial blockers. The investigators hypothesized a reduction in time to initial lung isolation due to the simplified placement procedure compared to other bronchial blockers. Continuous intraprocedural airway visualization may allow for early detection of dislocations. Necessary repositionings may be possible without additional bronchoscopies, reducing both disruptions of ventilation and maintenance costs.