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Lung Neoplasm clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT00676507 Completed - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Phase III Lucanix™ Vaccine Therapy in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Following Front-line Chemotherapy

Start date: July 2008
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Rationale: Vaccines made from gene-modified tumor cells may help the body build an immune response to kill tumor cells. It is not yet known whether vaccine therapy is more effective than a placebo as maintenance therapy in treatment of subjects with non-small cell lung cancer. Purpose: This randomized phase III trial is studying vaccine therapy to see how well it works compared with a placebo in treating subjects with stage III or stage IV non-small cell lung cancer.

NCT ID: NCT00638625 Withdrawn - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Correlation of X-ray and Pathology With Needle Biopsy of Lung Tumors

Start date: January 2010
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this study is to compare the features that the pathologist sees, when examining a lung tumor under the microscope, to the way that the tumor appears on the computed tomography (CT) scan. Features of the tumor may include abnormal blood vessels and areas in which tumor cells are dying. The samples that are taken during the needle biopsy contain information from one small part of the tumor. The investigators believe that they can show where in the tumor the samples came from, based on the CT scans during the biopsy procedure. If the investigators can accurately determine where in the tumor their samples came from, they can compare the features of that part of the tumor, as seen on the CT images, to the features of that part of the tumor as seen under the microscope. This research study also will give the investigators an idea of how much the biopsy samples are distorted in the process of preparing them for examination under the microscope.

NCT ID: NCT00638352 Completed - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

False/Negative Rate of Lung Percutaneous Needle Biopsy

Start date: March 2010
Study type: Observational

Needle biopsy is a way of determining whether a lung mass is cancerous or benign. Its accuracy was established by research in which patients underwent fine needle aspiration, a kind of needle biopsy that yields samples for cytology (similar to the way a pap smear or a fluid sample would be evaluated for malignant cells). This kind of needle biopsy may supplemented or replaced by core needle biopsy, which yields samples for histology (similar to surgical tissue samples but on a smaller scale) rather than for cytology. Core needle biopsy is believed to be helpful particularly in obtaining a diagnosis in patients who have a lung mass that their doctors think is cancerous but is, in fact, benign. In spite of the advances in needle biopsy, however, there are patients who do receive a pathology report indicating no evidence of cancer but whose lung mass actually is cancerous. The fraction of such patients, among all patients who have no evidence of cancer according to the biopsy, is called the "false negative rate." It is approximately 25% for needle biopsies that consist of fine needle aspiration alone. The false negative rate for needle biopsies that include core biopsy samples is not known. We want to examine the accuracy of needle biopsy in patients who had core samples taken from a lung mass in addition to, or in place of, fine needle aspiration. In this study we will focus on such patients who had no evidence of cancer according to the biopsy, to determine how many actually had a cancer that was missed by the biopsy. To accomplish this goal, we will need to review the medical records of these patients for one of two things: either a definitive diagnosis of the lung mass by some other means (for example, surgical biopsy), or by seeing how the patient does over a period of time (usually in conjunction with medical imaging tests such as chest x-rays or chest CT scans). To establish that a lung mass is benign by observing a patient over time, it is necessary to show that the lung mass disappears, becomes smaller, or remains unchanged in size for 2 years.

NCT ID: NCT00469222 Completed - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer

Start date: March 2007
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

Current treatments for limited stage small cell lung cancer have poor cure rates. The addition of chest radiation to chemotherapy improves cure rates, but these cancers still come back in the chest 30-50% of the time. Two factors which can improve control and cure rates for this cancer are increasing the chest radiation dose and minimizing the overall time it takes to complete radiation treatments. One method to achieve both of these goals is to give more radiation each day. This study is meant to study how tolerable and effective it would be to increase the intensity of chest radiation for small cell lung cancer patients by increasing the daily radiation dose. We aim to find the highest dose of chest radiotherapy that can be safely given with chemotherapy using this strategy. Patients in this trial will be monitored before, during and after their radiation and chemotherapy treatments for treatment side-effects, how effective treatments are at controlling their cancer and quality of life changes. Results from this trial will help to define more effective radiotherapy doses which are tolerable for this type of lung cancer and the quality of life changes patients experience when they undergo these treatments.

NCT ID: NCT00469066 Completed - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Cone Beam CT Scanning in Lung and Bladder Cancer.

Start date: May 2007
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

To study changes in tumor and normal organ size and/or position which occur during a course of radiation treatments.

NCT ID: NCT00295672 Completed - Lung Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Oral Vinorelbine and Cisplatin and Concurrent Radiotherapy After Induction Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced NSCLC.

Start date: February 2006
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Our aim is to conducted a multicenter phase II trial of the cisplatin-oral vinorelbine -radiotherapy combination after induction chemotherapy with cisplatin-docetaxel in patient with NSCLC. Oral vinorelbine will be used in the present study rather than the intravenous form because: 1- Previous investigations have demonstrated that oral vinorelbine is as effective as the intravenous form in the treatment of NSCLC. 2 - We think that the use of oral agents in CT will reduce some disagreements provoked by intravenous injections: stress, infections, hemorrhage, displacement at the hospital and cost of CT.

NCT ID: NCT00054899 Completed - Clinical trials for Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung

An Open Label Study of a Peptide Vaccine in Patients With Stage IIb or IIIa Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Start date: January 2003
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

EP2101 is a new cancer vaccine containing 10 different peptide antigens. The vaccine is designed to activate the immune system to develop a response against tumor cells in order to delay or prevent the recurrence of cancer. This study will test the safety and measure the level of immune stimulating capability of EP2101 in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

NCT ID: NCT00034281 Completed - Breast Neoplasm Clinical Trials

Safety and Tolerability Study of TAK-165 in Subjects With Tumors Expressing HER2

Start date: June 2002
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to investigate a safe dose of TAK-165, once daily (QD), in patients with HER2-tumor expression.

NCT ID: NCT00005655 Terminated - Sarcoma Clinical Trials

Combination Therapy of Interleukin-12 and Interleukin-2 to Treat Advanced Cancer

Start date: April 28, 2000
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purposes of this study are fourfold. It will 1) determine what dose of interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) combination therapy can be given safely to patients with advanced cancer; 2) evaluate the side effects of this treatment; 3) examine how the body handles this drug combination; and 4) determine whether and how the therapy may cause the immune system to stop or slow tumor growth. IL-2 is an approved drug for treating melanoma and kidney cancer. IL-12 is an experimental drug that has shown anti-cancer activity in animals, shrinking tumors and slowing their growth. Animal studies suggest that given together, the drugs may be more effective against cancer than either one singly. Patients 18 years of age and older with advanced solid-tumor cancers (kidney, breast, lung, sarcomas and others) that do not improve with standard treatment may qualify for this study. Candidates will have a physical examination, including blood and urine tests, electrocardiogram (EKG) and echocardiogram, DTH skin test (to test the function of the immune system), chest X-ray and lung function tests to determine eligibility. Bone marrow biopsy and imaging procedures such as CT and MRI scans may also be required. Patients over 50 years old will also undergo exercise stress testing. Treatment will consist of four courses of IL-2 and IL-12. On days one and nine of each course, patients will receive three doses (one every 8 hours) of IL-2 intravenously (through a vein). On days two, four, six, 10, 12 and 14, they will receive IL-12 intravenously. This will be followed by a recovery period from days 15 through 35. This regimen will be repeated for another three cycles; patients who show benefit without severe side effects may continue for additional cycles. Treatment for the first cycle will be administered in the hospital. If the drugs are well tolerated, additional therapy may be given on an outpatient basis. A biopsy (removal of a small sample of tumor tissue) will be done at the beginning of the study, after completing the first treatment cycle, and possibly again when the cancer slows, stops or gets worse, or if the patient leaves the study. These tumor samples will be examined to evaluate the effects of treatment. Several blood samples also will be collected during the course of treatment to monitor immune system effects. A device called a heparin lock may be put in place to avoid multiple needle sticks. ...