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Locomotive Syndrome clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04546646 Completed - Locomotive Syndrome Clinical Trials

Elastic Band Exercises and Locomotive Syndrome

Start date: August 24, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Locomotive syndrome is described as a condition in which mobility functions such as gait or Sit-to-stand are decreased due to impairment of the locomotive organs. Progression of locomotion syndrome causes limitation in carrying out activities of daily living (ADL) independently. So interventions are required to limit the progression of the syndrome and to sustain the functions of locomotive organs. This study will be a randomized controlled trial in which elastic band exercises are used to enhance the physical performance of community-dwelling elderly with locomotive syndrome and changes will be recorded using different methods and tools. Non-probability convenient sampling technique will be used to collect the data. The sample size of 24 patients will be taken in this study. Patients will be randomly allocated into two different groups through sealed envelope method. Group A will be treated with elastic band exercises and Group B will have no intervention. Short physical performance battery protocol and score sheet tool will be used as outcome measure tool. Participants of both groups will be pre-tested before the application of interventional techniques and post-tested after the application of respective interventions after 3 months. Data will be analyzed on SPSS 21.