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Kidney Neoplasms clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT00626509 Recruiting - Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials

Sunitinib Before or After Surgery in Treating Patients With Metastatic Kidney Cancer

Start date: February 2008
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

RATIONALE: Sunitinib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth and by blocking blood flow to the tumor. Giving sunitinib before surgery may make the tumor smaller and reduce the amount of normal tissue that needs to be removed. Giving it after surgery may kill any tumor cells that remain after surgery. It is not yet known whether sunitinib is more effective when given before or after surgery in treating kidney cancer. PURPOSE: This randomized phase II trial is studying the side effects of sunitinib and to compare how well it works when given before or after surgery in treating patients with metastatic kidney cancer.

NCT ID: NCT00582621 Recruiting - Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials

Ascertainment of Families for Genetic Studies of Familial Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Start date: July 2000
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this study is to better understand the genetic causes of Hodgkin's disease (a kind of lymphoma) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, as well as multiple myeloma, leukemia, and related diseases. The doctors have identified the patient because 1) they have had a lymphoproliferative disorder such as lymphoma, leukemia, or multiple myeloma, and have a family member with one of these disorders or 2) they are a member of a family with a lymphoproliferative disorder, including Hodgkin's disease and/or, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or a second cancer after Hodgkin's disease.

NCT ID: NCT00301990 Recruiting - Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials

Bevacizumab and Interleukin-2 in Treating Patients With Metastatic Kidney Cancer

Start date: September 2005
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

RATIONALE: Monoclonal antibodies, such as bevacizumab, can block tumor growth in different ways. Some block the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Others find tumor cells and help kill them or carry tumor-killing substances to them. Bevacizumab may also stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking blood flow to the tumor. Interleukin-2 may stimulate the white blood cells to kill tumor cells. Giving bevacizumab together with interleukin-2 may kill more tumor cells. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well giving bevacizumab together with interleukin-2 works in treating patients with metastatic kidney cancer.

NCT ID: NCT00050752 Recruiting - Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials

Hereditary Leiomyomatosis Renal Cell Cancer - Study of the Genetic Cause and the Predisposition to Renal Cancer

Start date: February 24, 2003
Study type: Observational

This study will investigate what causes hereditary leiomyomatosis renal (kidney) cell cancer, or HLRCC, and how the disease is related to the development of kidney tumors. Leiomyomas are benign (non-cancerous) tumors arising from smooth muscle. HLRCC can cause various health problems. Some people develop red bumps on their skin that can be painful at times. Some women with HLRCC can develop leiomyomas of the uterus. In some families, people with HLRCC develop kidney tumors. This study will try to determine: - What gene changes (mutations) cause HLRCC - What kind of kidney tumors develop in HLRCC and how they grow - What the chance is that a person with HLRCC will develop a kidney tumor People with known or suspected HLRCC (and their family members of any age) may be eligible for this study. This includes people in families in which one or more members has skin leiomyoma and kidney cancer; skin leiomyoma and uterine leiomyoma; multiple skin leiomyomas; kidney cancer and uterine leiomyomas, or kidney cancer consistent with HLRCC, including, but not limited to, collecting duct or papillary, type II. Candidates will be screened with a physical examination, family history, and, for affected family members, a review of medical records, including pathology slides and computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Participants will undergo tests and procedures that may include the following: - Review of medical records, x-rays, and tissue slides - Physical examination and family history - Skin examination - Gynecological examination for women - Interviews with a cancer doctor, cancer nurses, kidney surgeon, and genetic counselor - Blood tests for: 1. Genetic research to identify the gene responsible for HLRCC 2. Evaluation of liver, kidney, heart, pancreas, and thyroid function 3. Complete blood count and clotting profile 4. Pregnancy test for pre-menopausal women 5. PSA test for prostate cancer in men over age 40 - CT or MRI scans (for participants 15 years of age and older only) - Skin biopsy (surgical removal of a small sample of skin tissue) - Cheek swab or mouth rinse to collect cells for genetic analysis - Medical photographs of lesions - Questionnaire When the tests are completed, participants will discuss the results with a doctor and possibly a genetic nurse or genetic counselor. The genetic findings will not be revealed to participants because their meaning and implications may not yet be understood. Participants may be asked to return to NIH from every 3 months to every 3 years, depending on their condition, for follow-up examinations and tests.

NCT ID: NCT00033137 Recruiting - Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials

Genetic Analysis of Birt Hogg-Dube Syndrome and Characterization of Predisposition to Kidney Cancer

Start date: May 13, 2002
Study type: Observational

This study will investigate the genetic cause of Birt Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome and the relationship of this disorder to kidney cancer. BHD is a rare inherited condition characterized by papules, or bumps benign tumors involving hair follicles on the head and neck. People with BHD are at increased risk of developing kidney cancer. Scientists have identified the chromosome (strand of genetic material in the cell nucleus) that contains the BHD gene and the region of the gene on the chromosome. This study will try to learn more about: - The characteristics and type of kidney tumors associated with BHD - The risk of kidney cancer in people with BHD - Whether more than one gene causes BHD - The genetic mutations (changes) responsible for BHD Patients with known or suspected Birt Hogg-Dube syndrome, and their family members, may be eligible for this study. Candidates will be screened with a family history and review of medical records, including pathology reports for tumors, and films of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Participants may undergo various tests and procedures, including the following: - Physical examination - Review of personal and family history with a cancer doctor, cancer nurses, kidney surgeon, and genetic counselor - Chest and other x-rays - Ultrasound (imaging study using sound waves) - MRI (imaging study using radiowaves and a magnetic field) - CT scans of the chest and abdomen (imaging studies using radiation) - Blood tests for blood chemistries and genetic testing - Skin evaluation, including a skin biopsy (surgical removal of a small skin tissue sample for microscopic evaluation) - Cheek swab or mouthwash to collect cells for genetic analysis - Lung function studies - Medical photography of skin lesions These tests will be done on an outpatient basis in either one day or over 3 to 4 days. When the studies are complete, participants will receive counseling about the findings and recommendations. Patients with kidney lesions may be asked to return periodically, such as every 3 to 36 months, based on their individual condition, to document the rate of progression of the lesions.

NCT ID: NCT00026884 Recruiting - Bladder Cancer Clinical Trials

Collection of Serum and Tissue Samples From Patients With Biopsy-Proved or Suspected Malignant Disease

Start date: March 12, 1998
Study type: Observational

Selected patients suspected of having or with prior biopsy proof of malignant disease will be seen in the Urologic Oncology Branch, NCI. Blood samples may be collected at the time of the initial visit and at periodic intervals during the course of the disease. These samples will be stored in the tissue bank of the Urologic Oncology Branch. Aliquots of malignant and normal tissue will be collected at the time of surgery and stored in the tissue bank, Urologic Oncology Branch, NCI. These materials will be used in the research efforts of the Urologic Oncology Branch, NCI....

NCT ID: NCT00001238 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL): Clinical Manifestations, Diagnosis, Management and Molecular Bases of Inherited Renal and Other Urologic Malignant Disorders

Start date: December 5, 1990
Study type: Observational

We will investigate the clinical manifestations and molecular genetic defects of heritable urologic malignant disorders. Families with urologic malignancy with known or suspected genetic basis will be enrolled. Affected individuals or individuals suspected of having a germline urologic malignant disorder will undergo periodic clinical assessment and genetic analyses for the purpose of: 1) definition and characterization of phenotype, 2) determination of the natural history of the disorder, and 3) genotype/phenotype correlation. Genetic linkage studies may be performed in situations in which the genetic basis of the disorder has not been elucidated. ...