View clinical trials related to Intra-uterine Growth Restriction.
Filter by:Intrauterine growth restriction is being suspected in cases where the fetal estimated weight is less then the 10 th percentile for its gestational age. Abdominal circumference is the most influenced measurement in this cases. Head circumference on the other hand can be or not be influenced. Previous studies have shown that transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) is constant to gestational age and is not influenced by IUGR.Other showed lower TCD in IUGR fetuses. We would like to study the differences in cerebellar, vermian and corpus callosum growth between normal to IUGR fetuses and between symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR. In this observational study we will include pregnant women between 28-37 gestational week with a singleton otherwise normal pregnancies. We will measure the fetal TCD, vermian distances and the CC, abdominal circumference, head circumference and femur length. we will compeer these measurements according to the following groups:normal fetuses, symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR.