View clinical trials related to Internet-based Intervention.
Filter by:History and scientific evidence show that it is critical to maintain public trust and confidence in vaccination. Any crisis in confidence has the potential to cause significant disruption and a detrimental impact on vaccination. Vaccine hesitancy is a complex and context-specific issue that varies across time, place, and vaccines. It has been cited by World Health Organization(WHO) as one of the top ten threats to global health in 2019. Coronavirus disease(COVID-19) pandemic may change public confidence in vaccines. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a surveillance system to monitor vaccine confidence and hesitancy in real time. To date, a growing body of literature has used social media platforms such as Twitter and weico for public health research. Large amounts of real time data posted on social media platforms can be used to quickly identify the public's attitudes on vaccines, as a way to support health communication and health promotion, messaging. However, textual data on social media is difficult to be analyzed. Recent progress in machine learning makes it possible to automatically analyze textual data on social media in real time. In this study, the investigators will establish a social media surveillance and analysis platform on vaccines, develop a series of machine learning models to monitor vaccine confidence and early detect emerging vaccine-related risks, and assess public communication around vaccines. The investigators will assess the temporal and spatial distribution of vaccine confidence and hesitancy globally using Twitter data and in China using weico data, for all vaccines and Human Papilloma Virus(HPV) vaccine, respectively. Our study will guide the design of effective health communication strategies to improve vaccine confidence.