View clinical trials related to Inflammatory Back Pain.
Filter by:The current ASAS classification of AxSpA relies either on sacroiliitis on imaging plus one SpA feature (imaging arm) or HLA-B27 antigen plus two SpA features (clinical arm), in a patient with chronic back pain and age at onset of less than 45 years. IBP which is a major symptom of SpA depends more on patient's perception which is not usually accurate. As well, disease activity is measured by ASDAS, BASDAI, and BASFAI which depend more on subjective measures. Assessment of reliability of IBP criteria, ASDAS, BASDAI, and BASFAI in diagnosis and evaluation of activity of AxSpA is essential for better health care.
One of the major problems of systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients is suggested to be articular involvement. Mostly involved joints in SSc were reported as wrist, carpometacarpal-interphalangeal, foot, knee, hip and shoulder however there have been little knowledge on sacroiliac joint. Here the investigators plan a study on the involvement of this joint in SSc.