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Clinical Trial Summary

Objective: To investigate the effect of FCR as part of the FICare principles during hospital stay, on parental stress at discharge in parents of preterm or ill infants admitted to the neonatal ward for >7 days as compared to standard medical rounds (SMR) without parents as part of standard neonatal care (SNC).

Clinical Trial Description

Parents are often appointed a passive role during the admission of their preterm (born before 37 weeks of gestational age) or illinfant. Multiple studies have demonstrated that information and communication are crucial for families of intensive care patients.However, common practice in neonatal wards regarding daily rounds is that the medical rounds are only attended by the physicianand nurse without presence and participation of the parents. Parents are usually updated by the nurse afterwards. Family CentredRounds (FCR) include parents on daily rounds (digital or physical presence), involving them in the process of patient management,allowing them to hear their infants' conditions first-hand, to provide information on their child's general wellbeing themselves and toask questions and participate in shared decision making. Family Integrated Care (FICare) comprises a framework to implement FCRby bringing parents, medical and nursing staff together and involving parents as equal partners, minimizing separation, andsupporting parent-infant closeness. FICare consists of a collaborative program of psychological, educational, communication, andenvironmental strategies to support parents to cope with neonatatal environment and to prepare them to be able to emotionally,cognitively, and physically care for their infant. Objective of the study: To investigate the effect of FCR during hospital stay, accompanied by FICare, on parental stress at discharge in parents of preterm(born before 37 weeks of gestational age) or ill (for instance with sepsis or small for gestational age) infants admitted to the neonatalward for >7 days as compared to standard daily rounds (SDR) without parents with SNC. We primarily hypothesize that FCR andFICare are superior to SNC with regard to parental stress at discharge. Secondary outcomes in parents include participation inneonatal care, experience in shared decision making, parent-infant bonding, biomarkers of stress (in hair and saliva), breastmilkcomposition and the longitudinal course of parent mental health after infant discharge. Infant outcomes include breastfeeding atdischarge, growth, biomarkers of stress in saliva and length of hospital stay. For healthcare professionals outcomes such as workengagement and autonomy will be analysed at the cluster level. Cost-effectiveness analysis will be done as well at the level ofparents and healthcare professionals. Study design: A multicentre stepped wedge cluster randomised trial will be conducted. A total of 10 hospitals with a level 2 neonatal ward in theNetherlands will participate. Timing of start of intervention will be randomised between sites. Study population: All (parents of) infants admitted to the neonatal ward directly after birth, or transferred to a participating centre after birth in aneonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are eligible for participation in the study. Intervention (if applicable): The intervention will consist of parental participation in medical rounds (FCR). Parents and healthcare professionals will besupported by the four pillars of FICare: parent education, education of healthcare professionals, psychosocial support andenvironment of the neonatal ward. Primary study parameters/outcome of the study: The main outcome is parental stress at discharge, as defined by the total score on the Parental Stress Scale (PSS:NICU). ThePSS:NICU is a three-dimensional tool, in which parents express the amount of stress they experienced by rating 26 items on a 5-point Likert scale ("not stressful at all" to "extremely stressful"). Secundary study parameters/outcome of the study (if applicable): Secondary outcome measures on the individual level will be parent participation in neonatal care, parent-infant bonding andexperiences in shared decision making. The longitudinal course of parental mental health (anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress)will be analyzed, as well as biomarkers of stress (in saliva, hair and breastmilk) and breastmilk composition. Also, neonatalsecondary outcome measures will be taken into account, specifically length of stay, breastfeeding rates at discharge, biomarkers ofstress in saliva and growth. On the cluster level we will study professional secondary outcome measures such as work engagementand autonomy. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05343403
Study type Observational
Source Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis
Status Active, not recruiting
Start date March 7, 2022
Completion date March 1, 2025

See also
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