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Huntington Disease clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01590589 Completed - Huntington Disease Clinical Trials

REGISTRY - an Observational Study of the European Huntington's Disease Network (EHDN)

Start date: June 2004
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

This is a multi-centre, multi-national, prospective, observational study of Huntington's disease (HD) with a control group of volunteers to: - obtain natural history data on many HD mutation carriers and individuals who are part of an HD family - relate phenotypical characteristics (genetic modifiers / wet and dry biomarkers) - expedite identification and recruitment of participants for clinical trials - develop and validate sensitive and reliable outcome measures for detecting onset and change over the natural course of premanifest and manifest HD which may also be potential outcome measures for use in future clinical trials and clinical care - plan for future research studies

NCT ID: NCT01573819 Completed - Huntington Disease Clinical Trials

A Repeat Dose Study in Healthy Volunteers Investigating Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of GSK356278

Start date: November 24, 2011
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The study drug, GSK356278, is a possible new medicine for the treatment of Huntington's disease. Huntington's disease, which is often called HD, is caused by a faulty gene that is passed down through families. HD causes damage to nerve cells in the brain which causes them to waste away. As the damage progresses patients develop symptoms that affect every aspect of life. HD reduces people's ability to walk, talk, think, communicate and causes uncontrolled movements. GSK356278 may slow down the progression of damage to nerve cells in people with HD and help with their ability to think. GSK356278 was well tolerated when it was given as a single dose to healthy people. In this study we want to see what effects, both good and bad, GSK356278 has in people when it is taken every day. During the study we will look at about 3 different doses of GSK356278 in about 36 healthy people. The study will also look at how GSK356278 tablets behave in the body after it is swallowed (this is called pharmacokinetics). The study will also look at effects of GSK356278 on the body (this is called pharmacodynamics). The study will help to design future clinical studies with GSK356278.

NCT ID: NCT01521832 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease

Escalating Dose Study in Healthy Volunteers With SEN0014196

Start date: October 2009
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

This is a trial in healthy volunteers to study the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of single and multiple escalating doses of SEN0014196.

NCT ID: NCT01521585 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease

A Phase II Safety and Tolerability Study With SEN0014196

Start date: November 2011
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The principal aim of this study is to obtain safety and tolerability data when SEN0014196 is administered orally over 12 weeks to male and female patients with Huntington's Disease.

NCT ID: NCT01502046 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease

Neuroprotection by Cannabinoids in Huntington's Disease

Start date: September 2011
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, related to an abnormal expansion of CAG triplets in the huntingtin gene, characterized by motor, cognitive and behavioral abnormalities, without known effective symptomatic treatment and without known disease slowing strategy. The most severe neuropathological lesions observed in HD take place in the striatum, one brain area important in motor control and rich in cannabinoid receptors (CBR). CBR are subdivided in two classes: CB1R are located in neurons and play a role in neuronal function; CB2R in brain are located mostly in microglia and modulate neuroinflammation. CBR disappear early in the course of HD, before there is a massive drop out of cells in the striatum. Cannabinoid transmission is also an early event in brains of animal models of HD. In R6/2 mice, which carry large CAG expansions and develop an early and severe HD phenotype the suppression of the CB1R gene further accelerate the development of a severe clinical syndrome and the characteristic brain inclusions and abnormalities of synaptic density. R6/2 treated mice treated with cannabinoids improve their clinical phenotype, their brain lesions, the synaptic density and the levels of BNDF, a neurotrophic factor which enhances survival and resistance of striatal neurons. Preliminary studies of cannabinoids in patients with HD have shown that these compounds are safe in these patients. Those studies, however, did not show efficacy because 1) they were underpowered from the statistical point of view, 2) were performed with isolated pure cannabinoids, instead of the more physiological stimulation with a mixture of compounds, and 3) they did use insensitive clinical parameters instead of sensitive end points, such as pathogenically important biomarkers. The investigators propose a phase II trial with combination of cannabinoids with evaluation of safety, by the profile of adverse events, and efficacy, according to changes of important biomarkers

NCT ID: NCT01485965 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease

A Open-label Food Effect Study With SEN0014196 in Subjects With Huntington Disease

Start date: November 2011
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The primary purpose of this study is to assess the effect of food upon the pharmacokinetics (PK) of SEN0014196 in subjects with Huntington disease (HD).

NCT ID: NCT01485952 Completed - Huntington Disease Clinical Trials

An Exploratory Clinical Trial in Early Stage Huntington's Disease Patients With SEN0014196

Start date: March 2011
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The primary objective of this study is to provide biological samples from patients with Huntington's disease to allow characterisation of the pharmacological mechanism of action of SEN0014196.

NCT ID: NCT01458470 Completed - Huntington Disease Clinical Trials

A Trial of Memantine as Symptomatic Treatment for Early Huntington Disease

Start date: September 2011
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Huntington disease is characterized by difficulties in movement and thinking. Psychological disturbances including irritability, aggression, loss of interest, depressed mood, obsessions and compulsions, also represent common symptoms of HD. These symptoms are distressing both for HD patients and their caregivers, contribute to the loss of ability to carry out activities of daily living, and present a major treatment challenge for physicians. The goal of this study is to determine the effect of memantine on movement, thinking and emotional difficulties in HD patients. Memantine is a medication originally approved for the treatment of aggression and agitation in patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease (AD), which has also recently been shown to improve the behavioural and neuropathological symptoms in a mouse model of Huntington Disease (HD).

NCT ID: NCT01451463 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease

Impact of Xenazine(Tetrabenazine)on Gait and Functional Activity in Individuals With Huntington's Disease

Start date: April 2010
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

In individuals with Huntington's disease (HD), chorea may contribute to balance problems and difficulties with walking, sit to stand transfers and stair climbing that in turn may contribute to high fall rates. Xenazine (tetrabenazine) is a monoamine-depleting drug that is commonly used to reduce chorea. The purpose of this study is to compare: 1) spatial and temporal gait measures, 2) performance on functional mobility measures, and 3) amount of daily walking activity before and after administration of Xenazine in individuals with HD. It is hypothesized that the use of Xenazine to decrease chorea will improve functions of 1) gait, 2) sit-to-stand transfers 3) stair climbing and 4) overall daily physical activity and function.

NCT ID: NCT01412151 Completed - Clinical trials for Huntington's Disease (HD)

Creatine Safety & Tolerability in Huntington's Disease

Start date: April 2005
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to extend findings from the creatine dose-finding study (CREST-UP1) in Huntington's disease to evaluate the long-term safety, tolerability, and clinical impact of high dose creatine.