View clinical trials related to HLRCC.
Filter by:This study will investigate the frequency, clinical phenotype, management and molecular genetic defects of heritable kidney cancer syndromes. Families with kidney cancer with known or suspected genetic basis will be enrolled. Affected individuals or individuals suspected of having a germline kidney cancer will undergo periodic clinical assessment and genetic analyses for the purpose of: 1) definition and characterization of phenotype, 2) determination of the natural history of the disorder, and 3) genotype/phenotype correlation. Genetic linkage studies may be performed in situations in which the genetic basis of the disorder has not been elucidated. This research will have a significant impact on the overall management of heritable kidney cancer syndromes patients and family members who are at risk for heritable kidney cancer syndromes. The study will ultimately facilitate the development of novel screening, prevention and treatment strategies for these individuals with the syndrome. In addition this study could have impact on the management of patients with personal and/or family history of heritable kidney cancer syndromes.
The purpose of this study is to understand the metabolism of cancers involving the kidney, including renal cell carcinomas and urothelial cell carcinomas, and how kidney cancers use different types of fuel to support tumor growth. This study uses specially labeled nutrient tracers of compounds normally found circulating in the blood. The nutrients (glucose, fructose, glutamine, acetate, and lactate) are also found in common foods. A nutrient tracer will be given to the participants through an intravenous (IV) catheter during surgery or biopsy, and blood will be collected every 30 minutes during the infusion to monitor safety parameters and the nutrient tracers. The investigators will collect a tissue sample after the completion of surgery. Participants not having an infusion will have their tissue collected after surgery or biopsy. Participation in this study will not change patient care. All patients will receive standard of care treatment as determined by their doctors.