View clinical trials related to High Grade Malignant Neoplasm.
Filter by:This study plans to learn more about if fluorescein with intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is as good as intraoperative MRI (iMRI) alone in detecting the presence of tumor tissue during surgery. Both fluorescein and intraoperative MRI have been studied and routinely used to aid the neurosurgeon in distinguishing normal brain from tumor, helping the neurosurgeon to safely resect more tumor tissue during surgery. This study will enroll patients with malignant high grade glioma who are going to have a surgery to remove their brain tumor. For half of the patients, fluorescein and intraoperative MRI will be used together during surgery. For half of the patients, only intraoperative MRI will be used during surgery. iMRI is used as final verification of complete, safe resection in both arms.