View clinical trials related to Hemophilia A.
Filter by:The study start on June 30, 2018. The Severe(F Ⅷ<1%) hemophilia A children without F Ⅷ inhibitor combining were recruited to Test the concentration of the drug in the blood to provide better treatment.
This is a real-world study of the safety of the treatments used for people with hemophilia. The study will follow people with hemophilia A or B from across the country for about 4 years as they receive treatment. The hemophilia treatment center (HTC) physician and participant will decide on the FDA-approved treatment to be used which may include non-factor products, bypassing agents, or clotting factor replacement products. The goal of this research is to study the use of hemophilia treatment products and their outcomes.
Performing an individual pharmacokinetic (PK) estimate is only the first step in implementing tailored prophylaxis, which requires using the PK profile information to design a personalized treatment regimen matching the treatment needs of individual patients. The overarching goal of WAPPS-Hemo is to provide an easy-to-use web application supporting all the steps needed to accomplish tailoring care of individual patients by matching their unique characteristics to the most appropriate treatment regimen, realizing the promise of personalized medicine. This study will assess the impact of adopting population PK (popPK) based tailored prophylaxis in clinical practice, including proportion of patients eligible for tailoring, and encountered barriers. The impact on patient important outcomes and on societal outcomes, particularly financial impact, vs. current standardized regimens will be measured. It is hypothesized that WAPPS-Hemo, via estimation of precise individual PK profiles and by supporting the simulation of treatment regimens will: 1. improve or maintain patient important outcomes, while reducing wastage of factor concentrates; and 2. establish best practices and effective knowledge translation strategies for the implementation of personalized medicine. Additionally, a solid base of data will be generated to model the bleeding risk of severe hemophilia A/B patients undergoing tailored prophylaxis which will enable evaluation of a combination of patient and treatment characteristics predictive of individual bleeding risk.
This US study aims to assess hemophilia A patient characteristics and reasons for switching from both patient/caregiver and physician perspectives. For this purpose, this research study will include hemophilia A patients who have switched from an existing therapy to Kovaltry or Jivi. In doing so, real world evidence will be obtained from both patient and physician perspectives offering key insights for effective therapeutic management of patients with hemophilia A and to more fully understand what drives patient switching from a patient perspective and a physician perspective.
The study start on January 18, 2017. The Severe(FⅧ<1%) and moderate hemophilia A (FⅧ1%~5%)children with high titer inhibitor(historical peak inhibitor titer≥5BU ) combining with poor ITI risk(s) were enrolled. The low-dose ITI was alone or combined with immunosuppression.
The purpose of this study was to assess the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of a human monoclonal antibody (BAY1093884) given under the skin in subjects with hemophilia A or B. This antibody was intended to protect from bleeds by inhibiting a substance (Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor, TFPI) that reduces the ability of the body to form blood clots.
MOTHIF II is a non-interventional, multicenter, retrospective, observational data collection in seven French Haemophilia Treatment Centers of the BERHLINGO network. In the context of the arrival of new extended half-life products, the MOTHIF II study aims to describe the changes in therapeutic management of patients with hemophilia A & B, following the provision of FVIII and FIX extended half-life factors in France; it will also permit to carry out a budget impact analysis to quantify the economic significance of this new era.
This trial is conducted in Asia, Europe and the United States of America (USA). The aim of the trial is to evaluate safety of immune tolerance induction (ITI) treatment with turoctocog alfa (a recombinant factor VIII) in patients who have developed neutralising antibodies against factor VIII after exposure to subcutaneous turoctocog alfa pegol during participation in NN7170-4213 (NCT02994407)
In this study researchers want to gather more information about safety and effectiveness of BAY 2599023 (DTX201), a drug therapy that delivers the human factor VIII gene into the human body by use of a viral vector to treat the disease. By replacing the defective gene with a healthy copy the human body may produce clotting factor on its own. Hemophilia A is a bleeding disorder in which the human body does not have enough clotting factor VIII, a protein that controls bleeding. Researcher want to find the optimal dose of BAY 2599023 (DTX201) so that the body may produce enough clotting factor on its own.
To establish baseline prospective efficacy data of current FIX prophylaxis replacement therapy in the usual care setting of hemophilia B subjects, who are negative for nAb to AAV-Spark100, prior to the Phase 3 gene therapy study. To establish baseline prospective efficacy data of current FVIII prophylaxis replacement therapy in the usual care setting of hemophilia A subjects, who are negative for nAb to AAV6, prior to the Phase 3 gene therapy study. The enrollment for hemophilia A participants is completed. At this time participants are only being enrolled for hemophilia B cohort.