View clinical trials related to Hemodynamic Instability.
Filter by:Severe sepsis and septic shock are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in patients admitted in the ICU, being responsible for approximately 200000 deaths/year in the USA and 150000 in Europe. Recognizing the early signs of sepsis and the different stages of this condition may lower the associated morbidity and mortality. The hemodynamic profile of the septic shock is characterized by the presence of the distributive shock, on which we can add elements from the hypovolemic and cardiogenic shocks. The objecive of this study is to optimize the volemic resuscitation of the severe septic and of the septic shock patient using two minimally invasive methods of hemdynamic monitoring which both use the same device (Edwards Lifescience). In the same time hemodinamic data will be colected by mesuring the inferior vena cava diameter.