View clinical trials related to Hemochromatosis.
Filter by:The overall goal of this project is to develop and validate a novel technique for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-based Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) of the abdomen, for non-invasive assessment of liver iron deposition. In this work, study team will develop and optimize advanced data acquisition and image reconstruction methods to enable QSM of the abdomen. Further, investigators will determine the accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility of abdominal QSM for iron quantification in patients with liver iron overload. Excessive accumulation of iron in various organs, including the liver, which affects both adult and pediatric populations, is toxic and requires treatment aimed at reducing body iron stores. Accurate assessment of liver iron concentration is critical for the detection and staging of iron overload as well as for longitudinal monitoring during treatment. In summary, this project will develop a novel MRI-based QSM technique designed for the abdomen and will validate it in pediatric and adult patients with liver iron overload. Upon successful validation, QSM will provide accurate, repeatable, and reproducible quantification of LIC based on a fundamental property of tissue.
This study will be conducted at multiple sites and every patient will get treated with PTG-300. The objective of the study is to assess the effect of PTG-300 in treating adult hereditary hemochromatosis patients.
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects tissues surrounding the teeth. It is strongly associated with the major pathogenic "red complex", including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola1 and thus is considered an infection. Recent advances in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease have suggested that polymicrobial synergy and microbiota dysbiosis together with a dysregulated immune response can induce inflammation-mediated damage in periodontal tissues2-4. Interestingly, currently periodontitis is associated with a growing number of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes5-7 and hereditary haemochromatosis8.
Polyphenolic compounds are very strong Inhibitors of non-heme iron absorption, as they form insoluble complexes with ferrous iron. Patients with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) have an increased intestinal non-heme iron absorption due to a genetic mutation in the regulatory pathway, leading to excess iron in the body. This study investigates the inhibitory effect of a natural polyphenol Supplement in participants with HH.
Pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus are highly variable and may result in graft rejection (underdosing) or toxicity (overdosing). The risk of transplant rejection and the toxicity of tacrolimus can be reduced by pharmacological therapeutic monitoring of the molecule, based on the measurement of residual blood concentrations. Nevertheless, some patients are victims of rejections or toxic signs even though their blood concentrations are in the therapeutic target. The aim of the study is to describe the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus diffusion in mononuclear cells as well as the kinetics of effect of the drug on its target protein
Dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome and genetic hemochromatosis are frequent causes of iron overload. Polyphenols are efficient iron-chelators. Investigator hypothesize that polyphenol supplementation can reduce iron absorption in iron overload disease. Iron absorption can be studied by the area-under-the-curve of serum iron after iron oral loading. The primary outcome is the decrease of post-prandial serum iron after rich-iron meal, due to polyphenol supplementation.
This study is a Phase 2 multicenter, randomized, placebo controlled, single-blind study. The primary objective of the study is to compare the effect of weekly dosing of LJPC-401 (synthetic human hepcidin) versus placebo on transferrin saturation (TSAT) in an adult hereditary hemochromatosis patient population.
Observational study.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether respiratory variations of the inferior vena cava (ΔIVC) and internal jugular vein (ΔIJV) diameters during standardized breathing (ΔIVCST and ΔIJVST) increase after a therapeutic bleeding in spontaneously breathing and non-obese patients with genetic hemochromatosis. DESIGN: Prospective, monocentric study in the EFS Nord-de-France blood center. PATIENTS: Non-obese patients with genetic hemochromatosis undergoing a therapeutic bleeding. INTERVENTIONS: Ultrasound measures and collected clinical parameters before and after a therapeutic bleeding, during a standardized respiratory maneuver. MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES: The primary endpoint was the ΔIVCST change induced by a 300 to 500ml therapeutic bleeding. It measured the minimal and maximal IVC and IJV diameters during a standardized respiratory maneuver. ΔIVCST and ΔIJVST were calculated as follows: [(maximal diameter - minimal diameter)/maximal diameter].100.
Hereditary haemochromatosis (HHC) is a frequent disease in Brittany (5 to 7‰), responsible first for biological disorder in blood iron parameters and minor clinical disorders, before evolving to potential life-threatening consequences such as diabetes, liver cirrhosis and congestive heart failure. The improvement of screening and treatments made those severe affections rare enough not to evaluate myocardial iron overload a systematic part of the starting check-up. Nonetheless this myocardial iron overload might have severe implications on cardiac function on a long term basis. A single trial was conducted on limited number of patients with 1.5 Tesla MRI, which showed a myocardial iron overload (defined by a myocardium T2* value <20ms) in 19% of the subjects. The main objective of this study is to precisely estimate cardiac iron overload in treatment naive patients with newly diagnosed HFE hereditary haemochromatosis with a 3 Tesla MRI, more sensitive than the 1.5 Tesla one, in order to later appreciate its correlation with cardiac morbidity in HHC.