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Hearing Loss clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04823195 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, GJB2, Cis Regulation, DFNB1

Development Cellular Models of the Ear and Nose to Study the Mechanisms of Hearing

Start date: June 15, 2021
Study type: Observational

Development of cells culturesissued from Nose and Ear to study auditory mecanisms. Study of the cis-Modulation of the gene GJB2 for the patients with early presbycusis to identify the genetic cause of hearing loss.

NCT ID: NCT04815343 Completed - Clinical trials for Cochlear Hearing Loss

Investigation of the Naída CI M90 Sound Processor in Various Acoustic Scenarios

Start date: November 20, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

In this clinical trial, an un-controlled, repeated measures open design with within-subject comparison will be used to evaluate the effect of Naída Link M90 hearing aid and Naída CI M90 sound processor on sound perception. This design was shown to be successful in previous studies for the evaluation of sound coding strategies. Furthermore, a within-subject comparison decreases the variance in the results allowing for fewer subjects when the population that uses the investigational device is not large in general.

NCT ID: NCT04815187 Recruiting - Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Trials

Repurposed Use of Allergic Rhinitis and Allergic Asthma Drug to Reduce Vertigo and Hearing Loss in Meniere's Disease

Start date: June 7, 2021
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to evaluate a previously FDA-approved medication that is known to help with allergy symptoms to see if it can decrease symptoms in patients with Meniere's Disease.

NCT ID: NCT04803279 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Conductive Hearing Loss

Investigating Hearing With Ponto 3 SuperPower, a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid - Investigating Hear

Start date: March 16, 2021
Study type: Observational

The study is part of the Post Market Clinical Follow (PMCF) activity. The investigational device is the CE-marked Ponto 3 SuperPower (available on the market since December 2016) already fitted to the subjects, and data is collected retrospectively from clinical routine visits. The study is a retrospective study. Therefore there will be no study visits for treatment or follow-up in the study. Subject inclusion for this clinical investigation will be performed among subjects who has been fitted with the Ponto 3 SuperPower. To have a wide representative selection of subjects, enrollment will be spread over the 4 years since the device was available on the market since December 2016. The endpoints in the study will investigate the improvement of hearing with the Ponto 3 SuperPower. The data will be collected from the subjects in the time period from the clinical routine visit where the Ponto 3 SuperPower where fitted or just prior, and from the clinical routine visit following the fitting, where audiologic fitting follow-up procedures are performed (approximately 3 months).

NCT ID: NCT04794842 Active, not recruiting - Meniere Disease Clinical Trials

Comparing Topical Tetracaine Drops to Topical Focal Phenol for Local Anesthesia During Intratympanic Steroid Injection

Start date: August 1, 2021
Phase: Early Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

Intratympanic steroid injections are an accepted treatment for Meniere's disease and idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. This treatment is typically performed using local topical anesthesia. There is very limited research on the differences of medications and application procedures effect on patients' pain during the procedure.Topical Tetracaine solution and topical phenol have been shown to be effective as local anesthesia for the tympanic membrane when used for myringotomy. Currently there is no consensus on medication and technique however focally applied phenol is the more widely used technique. We believe this study can provide valuable information given the disadvantages of topical phenol including burning upon application as well as possible increase in persistent tympanic membrane perforation. The objectives are to determine the effectiveness of tetracaine drops for local anesthesia for intratympanic steroid injections compared to focal topical phenol application and to identify if tetracaine drops provides adequate anesthesia for intratympanic steroid injection with less pain on application than focal phenol.

NCT ID: NCT04794179 Completed - Hearing Impairment Clinical Trials

CROS and Quality of Life of Elderly Cochlear Implant Recipients and Their Care Givers

Start date: November 6, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of the Naida Link CROS device on speech understanding in challenging listening situations and on the quality of life in unilateral CI recipients and their frequent communication partners. We hypothesize that: 1. Unilateral CI recipients will obtain higher speech understanding scores with the CROS device in challenging listening conditions 2. Use of the CROS device will lead to positive changes in ratings on Quality of Life measures for (i) unilateral CI recipients, and (ii) their frequent communication partners A frequent communication partner (FCP) is an individual (a family member, or a friend, or a care taker, or a significant other, or a colleague, etc.) who has at least two hours of in-person interactions with the CI recipient every week.

NCT ID: NCT04793412 Recruiting - Unilateral Deafness Clinical Trials

Cochlear Implantation in Children With Asymmetric Hearing Loss or Single-Sided Deafness Clinical Trial

Start date: September 20, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a two-phase study that compares performance growth pre-implant with current hearing aid (HA) technology versus post-implant with a cochlear implant (CI) in children with either asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) or single-sided deafness (SSD). Post-implant performance with a CI alone is expected to outperform pre-implant performance with a HA. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of bimodal hearing defined as a CI in the poor ear and a HA in the better ear for AHL or a CI in the poor ear and normal hearing in the better ear for SSD compared to pre-implant performance. The study examines factors contributing to CI outcomes.

NCT ID: NCT04787055 Completed - Hearing Loss Clinical Trials

In Field Performance of a Hearing Aid Transducer

Start date: August 1, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Study participants will be fit with previously released receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing instruments. Participants will be asked to wear the instruments in their daily life for a minimum of 3 months, but have the option to continue to wear devices for six months.

NCT ID: NCT04777669 Recruiting - Hearing Loss Clinical Trials

Removing Background Talker Noise for Cochlear Implant Users

Start date: April 25, 2020
Phase: Early Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

When hearing-impaired listeners are properly aided with a hearing aid (HA) or cochlear implant (CI), they are often able to comfortably maintain a conversation in quiet environments. However, in group environments, such as a large family dinner, restaurant, or other environment where multiple people are talking simultaneously, hearing-impaired listeners have great difficulty participating in conversations and frequently withdraw or avoid the situation. As such, it would be highly beneficial to implement an algorithm into HAs or CIs to remove background talkers ("babble") from the signal to reduce listening effort for the hearing-impaired listener and allow them to converse as if they were in a quiet environment. Although HAs and CIs frequently incorporate noise reduction algorithms, these algorithms are not effective when the background is babble. The problem of removing babble involves segregating speech from speech. Hence, the spectral properties of the signal and noise are extremely similar. Despite these challenges, we developed an algorithm to remove background babble. In the following study will test the ability of cochlear implant users to understand speech with background babble noise using our noise reduction algorithm or no noise reduction algorithm. We hypothesize that CI users will be able to understand significantly more speech in babble noise when using our algorithm.

NCT ID: NCT04777565 Completed - Clinical trials for Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Bilateral

Study of a Minimally Invasive Cochlear Access for Cochlear Implantation Via a Robotic Procedure

Start date: September 15, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objectives of this study are to explore the efficacy and safety of a robotic procedure for a minimally invasive cochlear implantation.