Type |
Measure |
Description |
Time frame |
Safety issue |
Other |
Acceptability Three Months From Baseline |
The investigators will evaluate acceptability of the intervention, defined as a positive evaluation of the intervention as indicated by a mean value of 4 on a 5-point scale, with higher values indicating higher acceptability. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Other |
Acceptability Six Months From Baseline |
The investigators will evaluate acceptability of the intervention, defined as a positive evaluation of the intervention as indicated by a mean value of 4 on a 5-point scale, with higher values indicating higher acceptability. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Other |
Feasibility of future RCT Three Months From Baseline |
The investigators will evaluate feasibility of conducting a future, large-scale efficacy RCT, defined as a recruitment rate of 70% (number of survivors recruited over approached) in this pilot RCT. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Other |
Feasibility of future RCT Six Months From Baseline |
The investigators will evaluate feasibility of conducting a future, large-scale efficacy RCT, defined as a recruitment rate of 70% (number of survivors recruited over approached) in this pilot RCT. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Primary |
Alcohol Cessation Six Months From Baseline |
Survivors will self-report the amount of alcohol they are consuming at the 6 month follow-up assessment using the Time-Line Follow Back (TFLB) interview, a semi-structured interview designed to collect information about survivors' daily substance use. The TLFB was validated in 1996 and has demonstrated good test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and agreement with collateral reports of alcohol abuse. Participants will be asked to report their substance use over the prior 4 weeks via phone or electronic survey. Responses will be converted to a binary outcome of drinking reported or no drinking reported. Fewer participants reporting alcohol use would be considered success. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Alcohol Cessation Three Months From Baseline |
Survivors will self-report the amount of alcohol they are consuming at the 3 month follow-up assessment using the Time-Line Follow Back (TFLB interview), a semi-structured interview designed to collect information about survivors' daily substance use. The TLFB was validated in 1996 and has demonstrated good test-retest reliability, convergent validity, and agreement with collateral reports of alcohol abuse. Participants will be asked to report their substance use over the prior 4 weeks via phone or electronic survey. Responses will be converted to a binary outcome of drinking reported or no drinking reported. Fewer participants reporting alcohol use would be considered success. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Quality Of Life (QoL) at Baseline |
Quality of life will be assessed with the Head and Neck Quality of Life instrument, a 20-item Likert scale measure that evaluates quality of life related to eating, communication, pain, and emotion in the last 4 weeks. This measure has been validated with both civilian and VA populations. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the baseline assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Lower scores indicate less impairment on quality of life. |
Baseline |
Secondary |
Quality Of Life (QoL) Three Months From Baseline |
Quality of life will be assessed with the Head and Neck Quality of Life instrument, a 20-item Likert scale measure that evaluates quality of life related to eating, communication, pain, and emotion in the last 4 weeks. This measure has been validated with both civilian and VA populations. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 3 month follow-up assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Lower scores indicate less impairment on quality of life. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Quality Of Life (QoL) Six Months From Baseline |
Quality of life will be assessed with the Head and Neck Quality of Life instrument, a 20-item Likert scale measure that evaluates quality of life related to eating, communication, pain, and emotion in the last 4 weeks. This measure has been validated with both civilian and VA populations. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 6 month follow-up assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Lower scores indicate less impairment on quality of life. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Depression at Baseline |
Depression will be evaluated with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2-item version, a brief and accurate measurement of the core symptoms/signs of depression and will be used to help assess patients' quality of life. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the baseline assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted.The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased symptoms of depression. |
Baseline |
Secondary |
Depression Three Months From Baseline |
Depression will be evaluated with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2-item version, a brief and accurate measurement of the core symptoms/signs of depression and will be used to help assess patients' quality of life. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 3 month follow-up assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted.The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased symptoms of depression. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Depression Six Months From Baseline |
Depression will be evaluated with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2-item version, a brief and accurate measurement of the core symptoms/signs of depression and will be used to help assess patients' quality of life. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 6 month follow-up assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted.The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased symptoms of depression. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Social Isolation Baseline |
Social isolation will be evaluated with the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale, a validated instrument designed to gauge social isolation in older samples by measuring the number and frequency of social contacts with friends and family members. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the baseline assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate a larger social network. |
Baseline |
Secondary |
Social Isolation Three Months From Baseline |
Social isolation will be evaluated with the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale, a validated instrument designed to gauge social isolation in older samples by measuring the number and frequency of social contacts with friends and family members. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 3 month assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate a larger social network. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Social Isolation Six Months From Baseline |
Social isolation will be evaluated with the 6-item Lubben Social Network Scale, a validated instrument designed to gauge social isolation in older samples by measuring the number and frequency of social contacts with friends and family members. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 6 month assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate a larger social network. |
Six Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Loneliness at Baseline |
Loneliness will be evaluated with the 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, a reliable and valid continuous measure for overall, emotional and social loneliness. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the baseline assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased loneliness. |
Baseline |
Secondary |
Loneliness Three Months From Baseline |
Loneliness will be evaluated with the 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, a reliable and valid continuous measure for overall, emotional and social loneliness. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 3 month assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased loneliness. |
Three Months From Baseline |
Secondary |
Loneliness Six Months From Baseline |
Loneliness will be evaluated with the 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, a reliable and valid continuous measure for overall, emotional and social loneliness. This survey will be administered via phone or electronic survey during the 6 month assessment. Univariate and descriptive analyses will be performed and normalizing and/or variance stabilizing transformations will be conducted. The investigators will examine the data for outliers and use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for data characterization. Higher scores indicate increased loneliness. |
Six Months From Baseline |