View clinical trials related to Haemophilia.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to implement a national survey to collect information regarding Portuguese people with haemophilia (PWH) on socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial factors.
Severe haemophilia is a rare disease characterized by spontaneous bleedings from early childhood, which may lead to various complications especially in joints. Due to advances in medical care and more specifically in the development of prophylactic strategies by the application of clotting factor concentrates, life expectancy of persons with severe haemophilia has significantly increased over the last decades. This progress requires a long-term follow-up, including into adulthood. The adherence to a regular clinical follow-up and to a prophylactic treatment then depends on how successful patients' transition from childhood to adulthood has been as this process involves a transfer of responsibility from parents to patients concerning the management of their health. Beyond the issue of patients' adherence, a suboptimal transition may also impair quality of life and the entry into adulthood, especially at the social, emotional and professional levels. Only a few studies have been conducted to identify the specific needs and difficulties young persons with severe haemophilia experience during their transition from childhood to adulthood, and none of these studies has been carried out in France where the features of the health care system are very specific. Therefore, this study aims to address the issue of transition into adulthood among young persons with severe haemophilia in France. This study will focus not only on the facilitators and barriers of the access to health care but also, from a more global perspective, on all the specific concerns and difficulties they may experience as they grow into adulthood which may impair their long-term health related quality of life as well as their personal empowerment. This study will also allow to identify some of the socio- cognitive, emotional, and familial determinants of a good transition into adulthood.
Although arthropathy is a serious problem in patients with hemophilia due to the associated morbidity and incapacity, to the best of the investigators knowledge, no studies have looked at the effect of educational physiotherapy for its clinical improvement. This contribution presents the results of educational physiotherapy program applied for 15 weeks with home exercises - in patients with hemophilic arthropathy. After treatment, experimental group showed improved a significant reduction of pain, and best quality of life al illness behaviour. During treatment no patient showed elbow haemarthrosis, which underlines the safety of this physiotherapy program.
Randomized clinical trial to assess the efficacy of a treatment protocol applied fascial therapy in patients with hemophilic arthropathy ankle, oriented to know and describe the observed differences on the dependent variables: range of motion, pain and physical condition. At the same time, the study will determine whether there are adverse effects or bleeding complications as a result of applied physiotherapy treatment.
This study evaluates the clinical impact of a progressive resistance training program in adults patients with haemophilia
Research project for validation of a questionnaire on compliance to treatment in patients with hemophilia. It is intended to validate the American VERITAS-PRO scale according to the international methodology validation questionnaires: reverse translation, according to intersubject patients, psychometric validation and reliability analysis with large sample of patients.
Research project whose main objective is to evaluate the use of a technology platform (uPatient) to register the prophylactic treatment of patients with hemophilia treated in different Hematology and Hemotherapy services of several hospitals in Spain.
Spanish Validation of HAL and HEP questionnaire by double translation (English-Spanish-English), with a pilotage pediatric patients with hemophilia and adults and parents of children with hemophilia. The final validity will be obtained with a sample of 60-100 patients with hemophilia
Haemophilia is a rare X chromosome-linked coagulation disorder resulting from a congenital deficiency or absence of circulating factor VIII (Haemophilia A) or factor IX (Haemophilia B).As a consequence, patients with haemophilia are unable to generate adequate thrombin resulting in abnormal bleeding. Approximately 80-90% of bleeding episodes occur in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the large synovial joints and muscles. Repeated haemarthrosis induce joint cartilage damage and irreversible degenerative joint disease. Regular intravenous administration of coagulation factor concentrates starting after the first joint bleed and/or before the age of 2 ('primary' prophylaxis) is now the evidence-based, first-choice treatment in children with severe haemophilia. This primary prophylaxis has radically decreased the incidence of arthropathy in patients with haemophilia. Despite the positive effect of primary prophylaxis on arthropathy at several joints, the ankle joint seems to be an exception to the rule, as patients with haemophilia treated with primary prophylaxis still experience ankle arthropathy. As such, the ankle now is the main affected joint in patients with haemophilia under the age of 20. This makes the scientific community facing a new challenge. Determining aetiologic/contributing factors associated to the ankle arthropathy pathophysiological cascade in children with haemophilia (CwH) is therefore a primary objective in the haemophilic research community nowadays. Loading of the ankle is crucial as the ankle plantar flexors provide the main propulsive power during gait, the tibiotalar joint caries a complex distribution of joint stresses as a consequence of talar morphology and kinematics and, from a biomechanical and biochemical viewpoint, differs significantly from other major lower limb joints. Previous biomechanical studies focused on kinematic and strength measures, however, they omitted to incorporate fundamental measures of joint loading (joint kinetics) and joint structural integrity (JSI, assessment of soft tissue and osteochondral integrity through MRI). This makes it impossible to draw firm conclusions on biomechanical contributing factors. Furthermore, few, low-quality studies focused on conservative treatment strategies (e.g. strength training, mobilisation, proprioceptive training) in patients with ankle arthropathy. In a minority of the cases, important adverse effects (joint bleeding during strength and proprioception training) have been reported. Because of the low quality of the intervention studies and the lack of biomechanical studies focusing on joint loading and joint integrity, it is impossible to pinpoint the aetiology of these side effects. One assumption might be that side effects originate from inappropriate conservative approaches as a consequence of lacking knowledge on joint loading and joint integrity. An innovative approach within the domain of ankle arthropathy in CwH is therefore to study foot and lower limb kinetics during gait. The quantification of foot joints kinetics encompasses considerable challenges and, until recently, only simplified single-segment foot models have been used. Those models typically underestimate the mechanical contribution of the different foot joints and, of equal importance, overestimate the kinetic contribution of the tibiotalar joint. To overcome the above mentioned shortcomings, a valid 3D Multisegment Foot Kinetic Model (3DMFKM) should be developed and introduced within the population of CwH. This is important as it allows to quantify increased loading at the tibiotalar joint (or other joints) that may help to explain this ankle arthropathy in these patients. This will have been missed by previous research due to the consideration of the foot as one entire segment. Providing a classification system based on these kinetic data would, in a second stage, be a pertinent and valuable approach as this provides a rationale for designing randomized controlled trials. In this perspective, it is also recommended to assess the relationship with other biomechanical and anatomical determinants, especially if one aims at developing optimal management and rehabilitation strategies.
Multidisciplinary assessment of the physical, functional and psychosocial alterations in patients with hemophilia around the country. The aims of this study are: - Descriptive study of joint involvement in hemophilia patients with and without a history of hemarthrosis. - Descriptive study of the alterations of periarticular muscle strength as a result of acute processes or the development of chronic articular sequelae. - Descriptive study of biomechanical changes in lower limb joints and their impact on gait in patients with hemophilia. - Descriptive study of the joint space, regarding hemarthrosis and synovitis, intraarticular by ultrasonography. - Descriptive study of the relationship between skeletal muscle pathology in patients with hemophilia and their perceptions of it and their quality of life.