View clinical trials related to General Anemia.
Filter by:BACKGROUND Ghana has reduced food insecurity prevalence by 49.2% in two decades. However, prevalence of malnutrition especially stunting (in <children5yr) has not matched the changes in food security levels. Of several key nutritional factors that lead to stunting, nutritional status of such trace minerals as iodine, iron and zinc has not been studied. Nutritional inadequacy of these trace minerals may be detected by estimation of dietary intake, and time-consuming and costly biochemical measurements of respective biomarkers. Since there is no means to estimate dietary intake of the trace minerals in Ghana, due to incomplete food composition data of the nutrients, identifying validated non-invasive, dietary approaches to predict the biomarker status of these trace minerals are critical in counteracting the challenges surrounding the persistent stunting due to micronutrient deficiencies in Ghana. Additionally, exploring alternative approaches to providing access to foods rich in trace minerals at household level is crucial. STUDY AIMS AND HYPOTHESIS The ultimate goal of this research is to increase knowledge base on improving trace mineral status in mother-child (6-23 mo) dyads through a sustainable community-based interventions in northern Ghana. Investigators will begin with iron and iodine that impair mothers and young children's growth and cognitive development most with three aims: 1) to develop dietary screening tools that are validated by biomarkers for early detection of deficiencies, 2) to determine efficacy (dose responses) of feeding indigenous nutrient-rich meals in preventing deficiencies and improving iron and iodine status, and 3) to demonstrate sustainable and scalable improvement of food systems through a container gardening project for iron-rich Hibiscus sabdarifa for consumption and income by empowering women during the dry/lean season in northern Ghana. • Aims 1: To develop dietary screening tools that are validated by biomarkers for early detection of deficiencies among children 6-23 months and their mothers H1.1: Dietary diversity score can predict iron deficiency among children 6-23 months and their mothers. H1.2: Dietary diversity score can predict iodine status deficiency among children 6-23 months and their mothers. - Aims 2: Indigenous nutrient-rich meals of hibiscus sabdarifa improves iron and iodine status of dyads H2.1: Indigenous nutrient-rich meals of hibiscus sabdarifa improves iron status of dyads H2.2: Indigenous nutrient-rich meals of hibiscus sabdarifa improves iodine status of dyads - Aims 3: to demonstrate that container gardening can provide sustainable and scalable improvement of food systems for iron-rich Hibiscus sabdarifa for consumption and income during the dry/lean season in northern Ghana H3.1: Container gardening can provide adequate amounts of vegetables for mother and child dyad during the dry season H3.2: Container gardening can provide adequate income to purchase iodized salt and Amani for mother and child dyad during the dry season SIGNIFICANCE This project addresses the gap in our knowledge and practices pertaining to serious and persisting trace mineral deficiencies that result in stunting and cognitive impairment in northern Ghana. Early detection of iron and iodine deficiencies with validated non-invasive dietary screening tools (aim 1), effective indigenous nutrient-rich meal-based programs (aim 2) and sustainable/scalable and women-led community-based food-system changing agricultural project (aim 3) are expected to be the most creative approach to counteract iron and iodine deficiencies in northern Ghana. This project will utilize science and education to change practices, environments and policies to reduce the prevalence of trace mineral deficiencies at the local, regional, national and global levels.