View clinical trials related to Gait Training.
Filter by:Twenty-four individuals with burn injury will be included in this study. Participants with burn injury will evaluate with the following assessment tools: Demographic datas; age, gender, height, body mass index; burn caharacteristics; type of burn injury, degree of burn injury, localization of burn injury and total burn surface area will be recorded. Gait parameters (step length, stride length, base support, step time, cycle time, cadence, velocity, single support, double support, swing ( % of gait cycle) and stance (% of gait cycle). will be recorded via GAITRite system.
This study, conducted in collaboration with the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) in Washington, D.C., will look at changes in brain activation and brain responses that occur with gait (walking) training. Brain images and responses of healthy subjects are compared with those of patients. Healthy normal volunteers and people who have had a stroke within 3 months of starting the study may be eligible for this study. Candidates must be between 18 and 80 years of age, and patients must participate in NRH's walking study. Stroke patients participate in all three study sessions described below. The first session takes place before patients start the NRH walking training study, the second session takes place at completion of the NRH walking study, and the third session takes place 3 months after completing the NRH study. Healthy control subjects complete only the procedures in session 3. Session 1 Day 1: Neurological examination and questionnaire to evaluate memory and attention. Day 2: Motor testing with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). For this test, a wire coil is held on the subject's scalp. A brief electrical current passes through the coil, creating a magnetic pulse that stimulates the brain. During the stimulation, the subject may be asked to tense certain muscles slightly or perform other simple actions to help position the coil properly. The stimulation may cause a twitch in the leg muscles, and the subject may hear a click and feel a pulling sensation on the skin under the coil. Session 2 Day 1: Functional MRI (fMRI). MRI uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce images of body tissues and organs. The subject lies on a table that can slide in and out of the scanner (a narrow cylinder), wearing earplugs to muffle loud knocking and thumping sounds that occur during the scanning process. Scanning time varies from 20 minutes to 3 hours, with most scans lasting 45 and 90 minutes. Subjects may be asked to lie still for up to a few minutes at a time and to perform movements of their foot. Day 2: motor testing with TMS. Session 3 Day 1: fMRI Day 2: motor testing with TMS