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Clinical Trial Summary

The aim of this study will be to analyze the relationship between the presence of second class restorations (interproximal fillings) or prostheses (crowns, bridges) on molar teeth and the presence of bone resorption between the roots of the latter. Patients with this type of restorations will be identified and a non-interventional clinical and radiographic analysis will be conducted.

Clinical Trial Description

Patients who have a molar tooth reconstructed with a second class filling according to Black, or a with crown or that is abutment of a prosthetic bridge will be included in the study provided they have at least one other intact molar. The molars included in the study do not have to be wisdom teeth. In these patients, in addition to the presence of furcations (bone resorption in the space between the roots), the probing depth (PD), the loss of clinical attachment (CAL), bleeding on probing ( BOP), mobility, width of the keratinized tissue, the length of the root trunk (measured radiographically), the presence or absence of endodontic treatments (evaluated on the radiography), the anatomy of the roots (widely separated, fused, separated but fused) and the presence of enamel projections will be recorded. Data will be analyzed with utilizing Pearson chi-square and the pair-wise t test. The analysis of these data will provide us with evidence on the influence that interproximal restorations and fixed prostheses, in the presence of other co-factors, have on the presence of furcations in molars. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05481580
Study type Observational
Source University of Cagliari
Status Not yet recruiting
Start date September 1, 2022
Completion date June 30, 2023

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Not yet recruiting NCT04851548 - Evaluate the Effect of Hyaluronic Acid in the Treatment of Furcation Involvement N/A
Completed NCT03207698 - PRF+1% MF for Class II Mandibular Furcation Defects Phase 2/Phase 3
Recruiting NCT06025955 - Evaluation of Outcomes of Minimally Invasive Non- Surgical Versus Surgical Therapy in Furcation Involvement. N/A
Not yet recruiting NCT05721313 - Vital Root Amputation in Molars With Advanced Periodontal Furcation Involvement: a Preliminary Study N/A
Recruiting NCT06060340 - Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Class II Furcation Defects Management Using Propolis: A Case Series Early Phase 1
Recruiting NCT05541614 - Flapless Application of Enamel Matrix Derivative in Class II Mandibular Furcation Defects N/A
Withdrawn NCT03917030 - Osteoplasty in Conjunction With Surgical Treatment of Mandibular Grade II Furcation Defects N/A
Terminated NCT04059458 - Mandibular Furcation III Regeneration (FURC-III-REGEN) Phase 4
Terminated NCT04059445 - Mandibular Furcation II Regeneration Phase 4
Withdrawn NCT04017429 - Osteoplasty in Conjunction With Surgical Treatment of Mandibular Grade III Furcation Defects (FURC-III-OST) N/A
Completed NCT02369250 - Rosuvastatin Gel With 1:1 Mixture of Platelet-rich Fibrin and Bone Graft in Mandibular Degree II Furcation Defects Phase 4
Not yet recruiting NCT06116487 - MRI as Alternative to CBCT for the Assessment of Furcation Involvement in Molars
Completed NCT03578744 - Comparison of Platelet Rich Fibrin as Graft & Membrane Vs Hyaluronic Acid & Amniotic Membrane in the Treatment of Interradicular Defects N/A
Recruiting NCT03180658 - Concentrated Growth Factors in Regenerative Therapy in Furcation Involvements in Humans N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT05259982 - Vital Root-resective Therapy in Furcation-involved Maxillary Molars N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT02132806 - Piezosurgery in the Treatment of Class II Furcation Involvement N/A
Completed NCT02102360 - Conventional or Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Furcation Defects Using Enamel Matrix Derivative and Anorganic Bovine Bone - a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Phase 4
Not yet recruiting NCT06270303 - Use of a Bone Substitute Material in the Surgical Therapy of Furcation Defects N/A
Completed NCT03354182 - Surgical Treatment of Mandibular Furcations Using a Xenograft With/Without a Collagen Membrane N/A
Completed NCT04842188 - Furcation Treatment With L-PRF and aPDT N/A