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Foot Posture clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT06363136 Recruiting - Muscle Strength Clinical Trials

Foot Posture, Strength, Performance, and Postural Control in Isolated Gastrocnemius Tightness

Start date: February 1, 2024
Study type: Observational

Studies on gastrocnemius tightness in healthy children are limited, but there is evidence that ankle dorsiflexion decreases with increasing age in children. It is not known whether gastrocnemius tightness is a normal finding in children, but recurrent leg pain is common in children. It is also known that flexible flatfoot is a normal observation in developing children and that the medial longitudinal arch develops during the first decade of life. Both foot morphology and ankle dorsiflexion change in developing children; however, it is not known whether there is a relationship between them or not. In the literature, there is no study evaluating foot posture, muscle strength, functional performance, and postural control in children with isolated gastrocnemius muscle tightness. It was planned to evaluate postural control using computerized dynamic posturography (Biodex Balance System), lower extremity muscle strength using a hand-held dynamometer, foot posture using the Foot Posture Index (FPI-6), and functional performance using single-foot-double-foot jump tests in healthy children with isolated gastrocnemius muscle tightness.