View clinical trials related to Flexor Tendon Injury.
Filter by:Hand and upper extremity injuries are among the most common causes of admission of children to the emergency department since they are the most frequently injured part of body following head in pediatric and adolescent population. Although upper extremity fractures and contusions are the main reasons of pediatric hand injuries, tendon injuries are not also uncommon. There are limited data in the literature about the long-term results of children with flexor tendon injury. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term functional outcomes of children with flexor tendon injury.
Primary repair for flexor tendon lacerations remain the standard of care. However, despite recent advances in knowledge of tendon healing, suture material, and post-operative protocols, outcomes have been reported as fair or poor in 7-20% of patients. Complications encountered include adhesion formation, development of joint contractures, tendon rupture, triggering, bow stringing and quadriplegia. Tendon surgery is unique because it should ensure tendon gliding after surgery Tendon surgery now can be performed under local anesthesia without tourniquet, by injecting epinephrine mixed with lidocaine, to achieve vasoconstriction in the area of surgery. This method allows the tendon to move actively during surgery to test tendon function intraoperatively and to ensure the tendon is properly repaired before leaving the operating table. Wide awake hand surgery is well described by its other name, WALANT which stands for wide awake local anaesthesia no tourniquet. The only two medications most patients are given for wide awake hand surgery are Lidocaine for anaesthesia and epinephrine for haemostasis. In the period before 1950, the belief developed among surgeons that epinephrine causes finger necrosis .The source of the epinephrine myth stemmed from the use of procaine (Novocaine). It was the only safely injectable local anaesthetic until the introduction of Lidocaine in 1948. More fingers died from procaine injection alone than from procaine plus epinephrine injection .no lost finger no case require phentolamine in many studies.
Read more »Flexors tendon injuries are frequent and serious with a potential of definitive functional aftereffects. In the case of partial injury, the treatment is debated. There are 2 techniques of possible repair, the direct suture and the tangential resection. The investigators have already demonstrated that this last technique was favorable for injuries going to 50 %. In the case of partial section between 50 and 75 %, the investigators think that the technique of tangential resection compared with the direct suture would not increase the risks of secondary breaks, would authorize even an immediate mobilization and would decrease the secondary complications. The main objective is to highlight that the tangential resection is not lower than the classic technique on the clinical plan The secondary objectives are to highlight the non-inferiority of the tangential technique in clinical terms (pains, dexterity, complications), radiologics (MRI, ultrasound) and functional (function, go back to leisures and professional activities)
The objective of this pilot study is to gain observational insight into potential preventive features of amniotic membrane transplantation in the adhesion formation after flexor tendon repair.