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Clinical Trial Details — Status: Active, not recruiting

Administrative data

NCT number NCT02406313
Other study ID # 2014-A00464-43
Secondary ID
Status Active, not recruiting
Phase N/A
First received
Last updated
Start date March 2015
Est. completion date December 31, 2018

Study information

Verified date June 2018
Source Association Francaise pour la Recherche Thermale
Contact n/a
Is FDA regulated No
Health authority
Study type Interventional

Clinical Trial Summary

The study evaluates the efficiency, in terms of quality of life improvement, of a patient's therapeutic education program (ETP), based on long term commitment in adapted physical activities carried out during a standardized thermal cure (CTS) for fibromyalgia among patients continuing regular drug treatment or not


Fibromyalgia is a poorly known and understood disease. Patients suffer from pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, preventing them from moving and going out, resulting in an alteration of social life. Multiple drugs treatment is frequently used but is burdensome and poorly effective. However, thermal cure proved efficacious to improve quality of life during the cure and beyond. This study aims at demonstrating the added value of a patient's therapeutic education program provided during a thermal cure, a moment where patients are available and receptive to guidance.

Recruitment information / eligibility

Status Active, not recruiting
Enrollment 152
Est. completion date December 31, 2018
Est. primary completion date September 2017
Accepts healthy volunteers No
Gender All
Age group 18 Years to 65 Years
Eligibility Inclusion Criteria

- Diagnostic of fibromyalgia done at least 6 months before thermal cure

- Diagnostic of fibromyalgia confirmed by FIRST questionnaire (score 5) during the initial thermal checkup

- Age between 18 and 65 years

- Access to an Internet connection during remote follow-up

- Affiliation to a social security system (recipient or assignee)

- Signed written inform consent form

Exclusion Criteria

- Infectious diseases with ongoing treatment (except for winter upper respiratory tract pathologies)

- Active tumorous pathology

- Concomitant inflammatory rheumatism

- Stage III chronic venous insufficiency with history of phlebitis and/or pulmonary embolism

- Incapacity to receive treatment in hot water ( =36°)

- Total incapacity to practice physical activities of therapeutic education program

- Ongoing pregnancy

- Involvement in a structured educational program specific to fibromyalgia during the previous year

- Incapacity to understand French language making the follow up impossible

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms


Standardized Thermal Cure
Patient Therapeutic Education


Country Name City State
France OTD Dax Aquitaine

Sponsors (1)

Lead Sponsor Collaborator
Association Francaise pour la Recherche Thermale

Country where clinical trial is conducted


References & Publications (108)

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* Note: There are 108 references in allClick here to view all references


Type Measure Description Time frame Safety issue
Primary Change in quality of life Change from baseline in quality of life assessed through the self-administered Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) month 06 after cure completion. Month 06 after cure completion
Secondary Change in quality of life Average change from baseline in pain intensity measured on a Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) Week 03, Month 03, Month 12
Secondary Responder rate Rate of patients responding to intervention, i.e. with FIQ score increased from at least 14% as compared to Day 00 Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Pain intensity Average change from baseline in pain intensity measured on a Visual Analogical Scale (VAS) Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Pain relief Average change from baseline in pain relief measured on a VAS Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Kinesiophobia index Average change from baseline in kinesiophobia measured by TAMPA scale Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Catastrophizing index Average change from baseline in catastrophizing measured by pain catastrophizing scale (PCS) Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Function impairment Average change from baseline in function impairment measured by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis (WOMAC) scale Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Fatigue Average change from baseline in fatigue measured by Picot scale Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Somnolence Average change from baseline in somnolence measured by Epworth scale Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Anxiety and depression Average change from baseline in anxiety and depression measured by Hospital Anxiety and Average change from baseline in anxiety and depression measured by Hospital ANxiety and Depression scale Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Serious adverse reactions (SARs) Probability of occurrence of SARs Day 00 to Month 12
Secondary drug consumption change in drug consumption Day 00, Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary non-drug treatment consumption change in non-drug treatment consumption Day 00, Week 03, Month 03, Month 06, Month 12
Secondary Thermal outbreaks Probability of occurrence of thermal outbreaks during the cure period Day 00 to Week 03
Secondary Fibromyalgia outbreaks Probability of occurrence fibromyalgia outbreaks during remote follow-up Week 03 to Month 12
See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Active, not recruiting NCT05659862 - Digitally Assisted Behavioral Physical Activity Intervention in Fibromyalgia N/A
Recruiting NCT03207828 - Testing Interventions for Patients With Fibromyalgia and Depression N/A
Completed NCT03042728 - Impact of Inclusion of a Therapy Dog Visit as Part of the Fibromyalgia Treatment Program N/A
Recruiting NCT06097091 - Effects and Mechanisms of Pain Neuroscience Education in Patients With Fibromyalgia N/A
Recruiting NCT04554784 - Effectiveness of Bowen Therapy for Pain Management in Patients With Fibromyalgia N/A
Completed NCT03300635 - Metabolism, Muscle Function and Psychological Factors in Fibromyalgia N/A
Recruiting NCT06166563 - Exercise, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Fibromyalgia N/A
Completed NCT03227952 - Sensory Stimulation in Fibromyalgia N/A
Completed NCT03166995 - Postural Exercises in Women With Fibromyalgia N/A
Recruiting NCT06237595 - Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Fibromyalgia N/A
Completed NCT01888640 - Fibromyalgia Activity Study With Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (FAST) N/A
Completed NCT03641495 - Pain Education and Therapeutic Exercise for Fibromyalgia N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT05128162 - Open-label Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Psilocybin With Psychotherapy in Adult Participants With Fibromyalgia Phase 2
Completed NCT04674878 - Comparison of Muscle Energy Techniques and Breathing Exercises for Functional Improvement in Fibromyalgia N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT04084795 - Augmentation of EMDR With tDCS in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia N/A
Completed NCT03129906 - Impact of the Restriction of Sources of Gluten in Fibromyalgia Patients N/A
Completed NCT05058911 - Exposure-based Cognitive Behavior Therapy vs Traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Fibromyalgia N/A
Recruiting NCT04571853 - New Educational Tool for FM N/A
Recruiting NCT04571528 - Effectiveness of VIRTUAL FIBROWALK STUDY N/A