View clinical trials related to Fatty Liver.
Filter by:a. Primary (main): The presence of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in post renal transplantation recipients by non invasive methods as transient elastograghy b-Secondary (subsidiary): to evaluate if transient elastograghy could be used as a noninvasive tool as new perspective on the prediction, prevention of non alcoholic fatty liver disease in renal trasplantation recipients .
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in Canada and throughout the world. Fatty liver can increase the risks of perioperative complications for those who need liver surgery. A ketogenic diet is low in carbohydrates and can be very effective in reducing liver fat content. The purpose of this randomized control trial is to compare the effect of a short duration (4 week) preoperative ketogenic diet on operative and disease outcomes in patients undergoing liver surgery. One arm will be randomized to the ketogenic diet and the other will receive standard of care pre-operative dietary consultation.
The investigator aimed to prospectively study the effect of the hepatic fibrosis on quantifying hepatic steatosis using ultrasound attenuation imaging (ATI value) in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
The role of Dapagliflozin in the improvement in CKD in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients has been evaluated in the past. SGLT2i have also been found to be beneficial in NAFLD patients in improving the liver function parameters. It is also known that cirrhotic patients are at a higher risk of developing CKD at 1 year when compared to non cirrhotics. With this study we aim to study the role Dapagliflozin in cirrhotic patients in reducing the development of CKD, its impact on cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and its role in improvement of metabolic profile and liver related outcomes.
The investigators will conduct a proof-of-principle deep phenotyping 4-weeks caloric restriction intervention study in low birth weight (LBW) subjects with NAFLD and normal birth weight (NBW) controls. Furthermore, the investigators will provide extended in-depth mechanistic insight into the role of impaired subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) expandability in ectopic fat deposition in LBW subjects in LBW individuals with and without NAFLD.
The aim of our study to determine the demography, relation between patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and those with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Sohag university hospital.
to investigate the frequency of PEI in MAFLD
the goal of this study (observational study ) is to learn about the subclinical cardiovascular changes in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver . the main questions it aims to answer are 1. the role of speckle tracking echocardiogram in detection of subclinical cardiovascular complication in NAFLD patients 2. the role of fibroscan in diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver the participant will be examined by fibroscan and speckle tracking echocardiogram
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 causes high morbidity and mortality worldwide. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is currently the most effective means of reducing morbidity, severe illness and mortality risk. This study aimed to establish a metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) cohort of sequential booster SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, and to identify the dynamic changes of immune response induced by sequential booster SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in MAFLD population. To investigate the effects of blood routine, liver function biochemistry and coagulation function at 28 days, 57 days and 180 days after inoculation of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.
This study aim to find out metabolic molecules in blood and urine which could identify high risk of advanced fibrosis in MAFLD patients via NMR-based metabolic profiling.