View clinical trials related to Eustachian Tube Dysfunction.
Filter by:The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube which links the back of the nose to the middle ear. Eustachian tube dysfunction may occur when the mucosal lining of the tube is swollen, or does not open or close properly. It can occur after the start of a cold and other nose, sinus, ear and throat infections causing ear pain and pressure, fullness, cracking/popping sounds. This is an ubiquitous healthcare problem, affecting children and adults, that can lead to severe consequences including hearing loss, chronic otitis media, tinnitus, and vertigo. Numerous studies have consistently failed to support the effectiveness of medical managements. Pressure equalizing tubes are considered a temporary solution that does not treat the underlying pathology. More recent preliminary evidence of using inflation of a noncompressible balloon in the eustachian tube improved clinical outcomes, patients' symptoms and quality of life. This eustachian dilation catheter is not accessible in Canada since the device and procedure is not covered by OHIP (Ontario health insurance plan) or any other health insurance in Canada. In a cadaver study, we have evaluated using an endovascular balloon (Balloon that is used to dilate (expand) vessels) for eustachian tube dilation, which only costs about 10% of the eustachian tube dilation device. This endovascular balloon is Health Canada approved, but not for this specific use. We therefore want to conduct a pilot safety study with the main goal of assessing feasibility of eustachian tube dilation with the endovascular device.
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and middle ear barotrauma (MEB) are common reported complications during hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The Phase I study data was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of symptomatic ETD and middle ear barotrauma (MEB). The Phase I Trial suggested the total time interval and rate (slope) of compression (ROC) may be a determining factor in ETD and MEB. This Phase II study investigates an optimal total time interval and rate of compression to reduce ETD and MEB when considering each multiplace treatment (with multiple patients) as the unit of observation collectively as a group, rather than for each individual patient. Data will be collected prospectively on group patient-treatment exposures. Our investigators randomly assign patient-treatment group exposures to two different rates (slopes) of compression. These are limited to the linear versus the non-linear rates (slopes) of compression identical to two of four compression profiles used in the Phase I and Phase II trials. All patients experiencing symptoms of ETD and MEB requiring compression stops will be evaluated post treatment to confirm the presence of ETD and MEB using the O'Neill Grading System (OGS). Data will be analyzed using the IBM-SPSS statistical software program. The number of compression holds observed in each of the compression schedules/compression profiles using an identical 15-minute total time interval of compression but varying in the rate (slope) of compression will be recorded as in the Phase I and II studies. Symptomatic patients who required compression stops (as in the Phase I trial) using a USN TT 9 during elective hyperbaric oxygen treatments in a Class A multiplace hyperbaric chamber will be compared. Statistical analysis using descriptive and Inferential statistics will be applied to the patients requiring first stops in the compression profiles. This will be used to further evaluate the data restricted to the rate of compression (linear vs. non-linear) and whether this is associated with the number of compression holds. The 15-minute total time interval of compression will be identical in both compression profiles studied since this was found to be the total time interval of compression with the least number of treatment stops/holds in the phase I and phase II studies.
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and middle ear barotrauma (MEB) are common reported complications during hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The Phase I study data was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of symptomatic ETD and middle ear barotrauma (MEB). The Phase I Trial suggested the total time interval and rate (slope) of compression (ROC) may be a determining factor in ETD and MEB. This Phase II study investigates an optimal total time interval and rate of compression to reduce ETD and MEB when considering each multiplace treatment (with multiple patients) as the unit of observation collectively as a group, rather than for each individual patient. Data will be collected prospectively on group patient-treatment exposures. The investigators randomly assigned patient-treatment group exposures to four different time interval and rate (slope) of compression. These total time intervals of compression and rates (slopes) of compression are identical to those used in the Phase I trial. All patients experiencing symptoms of ETD and MEB requiring compression stops will be evaluated post treatment to confirm the presence of ETD and MEB using the O'Neill Grading System (OGS). Data will be analyzed using the IBM-SPSS statistical software program. The number of compression holds observed in each of the 4 compression schedules, similar to ther Phase I trial will be recorded. Patients who are symptomatic and require compression stops (as in the Phase I trial) using a United States Navy Treatment Table 9 (USN-TTN9) during elective hyperbaric oxygen treatments in a Class A multiplace hyperbaric chamber will be analyzed. Analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics will be applied to the patients requiring first stops in the 4 compression profiles. This Phase II study increases the sample size of treatments and they will be combined with the total number of treatments used in the original phase I study. This will increase power to facilitate detailed descriptive analysis and to determine if the findings are robust in the phase I study.
This study is a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical study. The balloon sinuplasty treatment is compared to placebo effect in chronic or recurrent maxillary sinusitis. The purpose is to find out the efficacy of balloon sinuplasty of maxillary sinuses and the patients who get the best benefit from balloon sinuplasty. The investigators also want to find out if balloon sinuplasty of maxillary sinuses improves Eustachian tube dysfunction. The study is executed in the Department of Ear and Oral Diseases, Tampere University Hospital. 120 patients who have either recurrent acute or chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyposis and whose sinusitis is limited mainly into maxillary sinuses, are recruited in the study. The patients are allocated either into the chronic maxillary sinusitis (60 patients) or the recurrent maxillary sinusitis (60 patients) branch of the study. Then, the patients are consecutively randomized into two treatment groups in the proportion of 1 to 1: A) Balloon sinuplasty group and B) Placebo group. The treatment is performed according to the patient's group status and all the patients are followed 12 months postoperatively. The effect of balloon sinuplasty treatment in chronic maxillary rhinosinusitis is going to be measured primarily with the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test (SNOT-22). In recurrent acute maxillary rhinosinusitis, the effect of balloon sinuplasty treatment will be measured primarily with the number of acute rhinosinusitis infections. Besides this, number of antibiotic treatments and sick leaves are inquired, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire (ETDQ-7) are used, rhinomanometry, Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), tympanometry, tubomanometry, nasal endoscopy and general evaluation of the patients clinical ORL-status are performed. Also pre- and postoperative biopsies are taken from the middle turbinates.
This study aims to test the safety, efficacy and potential mechanism of action of the SinuSonic device on adults with eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) or facial pain/pressure. SinuSonic is a medical device that utilizes sound and pressure combined with normal breathing. The study will have 3 aims. Aim 1 will examine healthy controls with no signs of upper respiratory infection, inflammation, or ETD to determine if exhaled nasal Nitric Oxide is increased. Nitric Oxide is a compound in the body that acts as a blood vessel relaxant. Acoustic energy (humming) has been shown to increase nasal Nitric Oxide dramatically, thus equalization of gas pressures between the middle ear, the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity may very well explain any efficacy noted. Aim 2 will be performed to examine therapeutic efficacy for ETD. Aim 3 will be performed to examine therapeutic efficacy for sinus pain/pressure.
A prospective, multicenter, registry of patients undergoing balloon dilation of the Eustachian tubes (ET).
The objective of this study is to determine whether tympanostomy with pressure equalization tube placement or Eustachian tube (ET) dilation is superior at reducing symptoms of patients with ET dysfunction. Given the apparent promise of Eustachian tube dilation and the lack of head to head comparison to the more traditional tympanostomy tube, this study seeks to compare them in a head to head manner in order to assess superiority in regards to ETDQ-7 and tympanogram improvements.
A total of 400 participants will be recruited: 200 patients with suspected OSAS will be recruited from the sleep clinic (OSAS group), 100 patients diagnosed with dizziness will be recruited from the ENT clinic (Dizziness group). In addition, 100 patients with no dizziness and no evidence for OSAS will be recruited from both the sleep clinic and the ENT clinic (controls). Informed consents will be completed by all participants. ). In order to assess the effect of treatment of OSAS on dizziness -patients with the diagnosis of OSAS will complete validated questionnaires regarding sleep, dizziness and eustachian tube function 3 months following initiation of treatment with CPAP
The Eustachian tube (ET) is a biological tube that links the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. It has several functions, of which the most important is to maintain optimal middle-ear health. Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) can result in pain or a popping sensation in the ears when flying in an airplane or going up a tall building in an elevator. Many people with ETD also suffer from ear problems such as repeated middle-ear infections or fluid in the ears. However, there are very few easily-administered tests to measure and assess Eustachian tube function (ETF). Tubomanometry is one of these tests, however it is expensive and used to measure ETF only in research settings. In this study, the investigators propose that using a combination of two readily available devices, the EarPopper and a tympanometer, will work in a manner similar to a Tubomanometer to test ET function.
The regular opening of the eustachian tube plays an important role in maintaining normal pressure in middle ear cavity, hearing function and preventing the occurrence of middle ear inflammation. The current evaluation of Eustachian tube function mainly depends on the patient's history of auricular distention, occlusion, physical examination (Valsalva), acoustic impedance test. However, these tests can not accurately assess the eustachian tube function, the lack of quantitative analysis of eustachian tube function. Currently, surgical treatment of patients with chronic otitis media is one of the most important treatment methods. However, the current results show that some patients can not reconstruct the gas-containing structure of the middle ear after operation, which brings about the treatment of diseases and the recovery of auditory function Difficulties. Although domestic and foreign scholars believe that eustachian tube function in tympanoplasty in the reconstruction of the middle ear with air cavity plays an important role, but due to the lack of a reliable quantitative evaluation of eustachian tube function, eustachian tube function in the occurrence of chronic otitis media , There is a lack of reliable evidence-based medicine in the assessment of the value of development and prognosis. In recent years, a new eustachian tube function evaluation method - Eustachian tube manometry technique, began a quantitative objective assessment of Eustachian tube function, combined with physical examination and subjective symptom scales to conduct a comprehensive assessment of eustachian tube function . This study wants to evaluate the eustachian tube function preoperatively and postoperatively in patients with chronic otitis media who underwent surgery. Regular postoperative follow-ups were used to understand the importance of eustachian tube function in the prognosis of chronic otitis media surgery , In order to further improve the eustachian tube function and improve the surgical curative effect of chronic otitis media.