View clinical trials related to Elevated Transaminases.
Filter by:This study will provide a basis for research on the impact of liver injury caused by antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients. Elevated liver enzymes called AST and ALT are common in HIV-infected patients taking antiretroviral medications and can indicate liver damage. Although there are a number of possible causes for these elevations, such as infections with a hepatitis virus, antiretroviral medications alone can lead to the elevations. The study will focus particularly on evidence of liver fibrosis, which is a sign of progressive liver damage. HIV-infected patients 18 and older who 1) have been taking combination antiretroviral therapy for at least 12 months and have been on a stable regimen for at least 3 months, and 2) have had elevated AST or ALT levels for at least 6 months may be eligible for this study. Patients who have had liver biopsies performed in the past may be eligible for participation. Participants undergo the following tests and procedures over a 12-month period: - Oral glucose tolerance test: The patient drinks a glucose (sugar) drink. Blood samples are then drawn over 2 hours through an intravenous (IV) line in the patient's arm. This test measures how high the patient's blood sugar and insulin levels rise after drinking a standard glucose load. - Transient elastography: This ultrasound test uses vibration (sound waves) to measure liver stiffness (fibrosis). Vibrations move faster through a fibrotic liver. - Triple-phase CT scan and single slice CT scan of L4-5: Patients fast for 4 hours before the CT scan. A contrast material is injected through a catheter placed in an arm vein to improve the visibility of the liver in the specialized X-ray images obtained in the CT scanner. - Liver biopsy: This test removes a small sample of liver tissue for microscopic examination, particularly for evidence of fibrosis. The skin over the biopsy site is numbed and a needle is passed through the skin and rapidly in and out of the liver. Patients may be given a sedative for the procedure. - Follow-up visits. Patients return for follow-up visits 1 to 4 weeks after the liver biopsy and three more times over the course of the study for a medical history, physical examination and blood tests. Patients may participate in an additional 4-year follow-up, during which they have visits every 3-12 months and are offered the opportunity to repeat the biopsy no sooner than 1 year after the first biopsy.
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