View clinical trials related to Electrical Impedance Tomography.
Filter by:Patients with ARDS often suffer a gravity-dependent alveolar collapse, resulting in a reduction of tidal volume, residual alveolar excessive distension, and ventilator-related lung injury(VILI) induced by unreasonable ventilator setting.Prone ventilation (PPV) improves the gravity-dependent alveolar ventilation and promotes lung recruitment in the gravity-dependent area and improves lung compliance. Previous studies showed that prolonged PPV combined with low tidal volume(LTV) lung protected ventilation can significantly reduce the mortality of patients with moderate to severe ARDS.Although more than 60% of patients with moderate to severe ARDS due to COVID-19 has been widely implemented PPV,studies showed an improvement in oxygenation in patients with ARDS(the P/F radio improved by more than 20% before and after PPV) was 9-77%, that is, That is, some patients are unresponsive to PPV. In addition, some patients showed CO2 responsiveness after PPV(ventilation rate (VR) decreased significantly after PPV).The tools for monitoring the effects of PPV on ventilation and blood flow at bedside are still lacking, Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a non-invasive, non-radiative, real-time bedside lung imaging technique that can monitor local lung ventilation distribution. This study intends to use EIT to evaluate pulmonary ventilation, blood flow distribution and local V/Q ratio before and after PPV, as well as to monitor the changes in pulmonary physiology before and after PPV, explore the mechanism of PPV improving oxygenation by combined with the changes in oxygenation, and explore the factors that predict and affect PPV responsiveness.
The aim of this study is to describe the effects of different levels of pressure support on ventilation-perfusion matching in patients recovering from ARDS, using electrical impedance tomography.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a highly lethal disease with limited treatment options. In recent years, prone position ventilation has been shown to improve the mortality rate and lung injury of ARDS patients by promoting lung recruitment, improving ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio, enhancing respiratory system compliance, promoting sputum drainage, and effectively avoiding overinflation of the dorsal lung. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) technology has been used to evaluate the effect of prone position ventilation on lung V/Q matching, and some studies have confirmed that prone position ventilation can improve lung V/Q matching and oxygenation index. However, previous studies were mostly case reports or small-sample physiological studies that lacked dynamic changes in lung V/Q matching during repeated prone position ventilation. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that prone position ventilation can increase lung V/Q matching in ARDS patients, and its improvement is correlated with changes in oxygenation index, invasive ventilation time, and patient prognosis. Repeated prone position ventilation can maintain lung V/Q matching at a higher level, no longer affected by changes in body position, which can accelerate pulmonary function recovery and improve the prognosis of ARDS patients.
Effects of airway pressure release ventilation on pulmonary ventilation, shunt and perfusion in patients with ARDS
Postoperative patients require respiratory management . It is known that the intrapulmonary ventilation distribution becomes uneven due to dorsal atelectasis and ventral hyperinflation during mechanical ventilation management, but the incidence in postoperative patients is unknown. EIT is a device that can monitor the ventilation distribution in the lungs over time without being exposed to the bedside. Therefore, for patients at risk of postoperative respiratory complications, use EIT to 1) evaluate the pulmonary ventilation distribution during postoperative ventilation management, 2) pulmonary ventilation distribution and postoperative respiratory organs. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship with the severity of complications. A prospective observational study to investigate the relationship between ventilation distribution and prognosis using EIT in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation after adult surgery.
Define the effect of epidural block on HPV by EIT.
determine the effect of prone positioning on ventilation and perfusion distribution in adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome by electrical impedance tomography
Inhomogeneous ventilation was more likely to happen in patients after general anesthesia. Inhomogeneous ventilation may associate with ventilator-induced lung injury. A large number of post-neurosurgical patients was delayed extubation and received mechanical ventilation, so that, inhomogeneous ventilation was more likely to happen in the population. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is an noninvasive, radiation-free, high temporal resolution, relatively cheap technique in monitoring ventilation distribution bedside. The investigators aimed to investigate the incidence of inhomogeneous ventilation and factors associated with inhomogeneous ventilation in post-neurosurgical patients under mechanical ventilation.
Evaluation of lung aeration during weaning from mechanical ventilation determined by electrical impedance tomography and lung ultrasound
Effect of Non Invasive Ventilation on end-expiratory lung volumes determined by electrical impedance tomography