View clinical trials related to Ear Diseases.
Filter by:This project will investigate the role of noise in the vestibular system, and in particular its effects on the variability (precision) of vestibular-mediated behaviors. The investigators will study vestibular precision in normal subjects and patients with peripheral vestibular damage, and will investigate its potential plasticity. The goals are to develop a better understanding of the role noise plays in the vestibular system in normal and pathologic populations, and to determine if the brain can learn to improve signal recognition within its inherently noisy neural environment, which would result in improved behavioral precision.
Background: Disorders of hearing instability (HI) are poorly characterized and ineffectively treated. HI can cause fluctuations in hearing thresholds and speech understanding. Researchers want to use a specialized form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and blood tests to learn more about HI. Objective: To characterize a cohort of people with HI and to correlate HI with other data, including hearing evaluations, as well as radiologic and immunologic biomarkers of inflammation over time. Eligibility: Adults ages 18-80 who have symptoms consistent with possible HI. Design: Participants will be screened with a medical and hearing history and medical record review. Participants will have physical exams. Their head and neck will be examined. They will have blood drawn. Participants will have hearing tests. They will wear headphones or foam earplugs. They will listen to different tones. They may describe what they hear. Participants will have balance tests. They will wear goggles as they watch moving lights or while cold or warm air is blown into their ears. They will sit in a spinning chair in a quiet, dark booth. From a reclining position, they will raise their head while clicking sounds are played into their ears. Participants will have MRIs of the inner ear and brain. The MRI scanner is a metal cylinder surrounded by a strong magnetic field. During the MRIs, participants will lie on a table that slides in and out of the scanner. Soft padding or a coil will be placed around their head. They will get a contrast agent through an intravenous catheter. Participation will last up to 15 months. ...
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and middle ear barotrauma (MEB) are common reported complications during hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The Phase I study data was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of symptomatic ETD and middle ear barotrauma (MEB). The Phase I Trial suggested the total time interval and rate (slope) of compression (ROC) may be a determining factor in ETD and MEB. This Phase II study investigates an optimal total time interval and rate of compression to reduce ETD and MEB when considering each multiplace treatment (with multiple patients) as the unit of observation collectively as a group, rather than for each individual patient. Data will be collected prospectively on group patient-treatment exposures. Our investigators randomly assign patient-treatment group exposures to two different rates (slopes) of compression. These are limited to the linear versus the non-linear rates (slopes) of compression identical to two of four compression profiles used in the Phase I and Phase II trials. All patients experiencing symptoms of ETD and MEB requiring compression stops will be evaluated post treatment to confirm the presence of ETD and MEB using the O'Neill Grading System (OGS). Data will be analyzed using the IBM-SPSS statistical software program. The number of compression holds observed in each of the compression schedules/compression profiles using an identical 15-minute total time interval of compression but varying in the rate (slope) of compression will be recorded as in the Phase I and II studies. Symptomatic patients who required compression stops (as in the Phase I trial) using a USN TT 9 during elective hyperbaric oxygen treatments in a Class A multiplace hyperbaric chamber will be compared. Statistical analysis using descriptive and Inferential statistics will be applied to the patients requiring first stops in the compression profiles. This will be used to further evaluate the data restricted to the rate of compression (linear vs. non-linear) and whether this is associated with the number of compression holds. The 15-minute total time interval of compression will be identical in both compression profiles studied since this was found to be the total time interval of compression with the least number of treatment stops/holds in the phase I and phase II studies.
The study is part of the Post Market Clinical Follow (PMCF) activity. The investigational device is the CE-marked Ponto 3 SuperPower (available on the market since December 2016) already fitted to the subjects, and data is collected retrospectively from clinical routine visits. The study is a retrospective study. Therefore there will be no study visits for treatment or follow-up in the study. Subject inclusion for this clinical investigation will be performed among subjects who has been fitted with the Ponto 3 SuperPower. To have a wide representative selection of subjects, enrollment will be spread over the 4 years since the device was available on the market since December 2016. The endpoints in the study will investigate the improvement of hearing with the Ponto 3 SuperPower. The data will be collected from the subjects in the time period from the clinical routine visit where the Ponto 3 SuperPower where fitted or just prior, and from the clinical routine visit following the fitting, where audiologic fitting follow-up procedures are performed (approximately 3 months).
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and middle ear barotrauma (MEB) are common reported complications during hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The Phase I study data was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of symptomatic ETD and middle ear barotrauma (MEB). The Phase I Trial suggested the total time interval and rate (slope) of compression (ROC) may be a determining factor in ETD and MEB. This Phase II study investigates an optimal total time interval and rate of compression to reduce ETD and MEB when considering each multiplace treatment (with multiple patients) as the unit of observation collectively as a group, rather than for each individual patient. Data will be collected prospectively on group patient-treatment exposures. The investigators randomly assigned patient-treatment group exposures to four different time interval and rate (slope) of compression. These total time intervals of compression and rates (slopes) of compression are identical to those used in the Phase I trial. All patients experiencing symptoms of ETD and MEB requiring compression stops will be evaluated post treatment to confirm the presence of ETD and MEB using the O'Neill Grading System (OGS). Data will be analyzed using the IBM-SPSS statistical software program. The number of compression holds observed in each of the 4 compression schedules, similar to ther Phase I trial will be recorded. Patients who are symptomatic and require compression stops (as in the Phase I trial) using a United States Navy Treatment Table 9 (USN-TTN9) during elective hyperbaric oxygen treatments in a Class A multiplace hyperbaric chamber will be analyzed. Analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics will be applied to the patients requiring first stops in the 4 compression profiles. This Phase II study increases the sample size of treatments and they will be combined with the total number of treatments used in the original phase I study. This will increase power to facilitate detailed descriptive analysis and to determine if the findings are robust in the phase I study.
Persons with a vestibular (e.g. inner ear) disorder often report visual induced dizziness (ViD) symptom (i.e. postural and/or gait instability, dizziness, disorientation) provocation or exacerbation in environments with busy or conflicting visual motion including crowds and supermarkets. ViD is frequently associated with high disability levels, prolonged illness and poorer clinical outcome. Thus, effective treatment is a priority. Vestibular rehabilitation incorporating structured exposure to Optokinetic Stimulation (OKS) (e.g. a form of computer based intervention that involves the observation of moving visual targets to encourage visual scanning) significantly improves ViD symptoms with similar improvement noted for both 'low-tech' OKS provided via a DVD or a 'high-tech', expensive, full-field stimulus. No studies have investigated if 'lower-tech', cheaper Virtual Reality (VR) systems may be beneficial in treating ViD symptoms and whether these VR systems are more effective than an OKS DVD. The first aim of this work is to compare the effect of an OKS DVD vs "lower-tech" VR system on ViD symptoms in persons with a chronic peripheral vestibular disorder aged 18-50 years old. This study may help to identify more optimal treatment strategies in persons with a vestibular disorder.
In this study it was aimed to investigate the effects of home treatment program based standard activity on dizziness, balance and daily life activity in patients with dizziness complaint originated from chronic unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder and compare to effects of exercise-based home rehabilitation program.
This pilot study wants to determine to which extent SPCCT allows obtaining images with improved quality and diagnostic confidence when compared to standard Dual Energy CT (DECT), both with and without contrast agent injection. Depending on the anatomical structures/organs to be visualized during CT examinations, different scanning protocols are performed with quite variable ionizing radiation doses. Therefore, in order to obtain the most extensive and representative results of the improvement in image quality between SPCCT and DECT that will be performed CT imaging on several body regions and structures, including diabetic foot, diabetic calcium coronary scoring, adrenal glands, coronary arteries, lung parenchyma, kidney stones, inner ear, brain and joints, earl/temporal bone, colorectal carcinosis.
This is a prospective within-subjects repeated-measures study that will enroll 24 adult users implanted with a HiResolution Bionic Ear System (HiRes 90K or newer). Subjects will be assigned to one of two cohorts based on audiometric results at the Baseline visit
Vestibular disorders are disabling conditions that can have a major effect on functioning especially on daily activities and social participation. Latest epidemiological studies estimate that as many as 35% of adults aged 40 years or older had experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction. Non invasive brain stimulation techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been investigated as therapeutic interventions for various neurological disorders like motor deficits and balance disorders after various neurological deficits. The purpose of this study is to compare between rTMs stimulation and galvanic vestibular stimulation in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders.