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Drinking and Driving clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT02771587 Completed - Clinical trials for Alcohol-Related Disorders

Interaction of Alcohol With Energy Drinks

Start date: June 2016
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The main objective of the project is to assess whether there is an interaction between the effects of ethanol and energy drinks on driving performance. Secondary objectives include: to evaluate subjective effects (drunkenness) after administration of alcohol and energy drinks, to assess pharmacokinetics of alcohol, caffeine and taurine after alcohol and energy drinks administration and to assess if there is an increased risk of bleeding when both drinks are taken together.

NCT ID: NCT01847183 Completed - Clinical trials for Alcohol-related Disorders

Evaluation of an School-based Alcohol Prevention Program for Middle School Students

Start date: November 2012
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this research is to create and evaluate the efficacy of an exciting (fun to use), and potentially disseminable computer-based prevention program, Click City®: Alcohol, for use by 7th graders with a booster in 8th grade students. The ultimate goal of Click City®: Alcohol is to prevent the onset of heavy drinking during high school and post-high school. Secondary goals of the program include decreasing students' intentions and willingness to engage in heavy drinking in high school. The proposed program is unique both in its delivery system and the development process. Aim 1: The investigators plan to develop and test approximately 24 components over the first two years of the study. Aim 2: The final Click City®: Alcohol program will consist of 12 effective components delivered in six sessions over a three-week period in 7th grade. This is followed by two booster sessions, consisting of a total of 5 components delivered over a one-week period in 8th grade. Educational newsletters to parents and teacher guides will accompany the program. Aim 3: Following development, the investigators will conduct a group randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of this program as compared to schools' usual alcohol prevention curriculum. The investigators plan to recruit, stratify and randomly assign 26 middle schools to one of the two conditions, Click City®: Alcohol and Usual Curriculum (UC). Students in the Click City®: Alcohol and yoked UC schools will be assessed prior to the beginning of the 7th grade program, following the 7th grade program, following the 8th grade booster, which would occur approximately one year after the 7th grade program, and a follow-up assessment in the 9th grade to assess long-term outcomes, one year after the 8th grade assessment.