View clinical trials related to Diabetic Neuropathic Pain.
Filter by:Veterans with diabetes are more likely than diabetic civilians to develop disabling chronic diabetic neuropathic pain (CDNP). Research on frontline treatments for CDNP (enhanced glycemic control, exercise, pharmacological agents), shows inconsistent outcomes and dissatisfaction among Veterans. Veterans and clinicians have shown significant interest in cannabis derivatives (THC, CBD) for neuropathic pain control, but there are no well-controlled trials guiding expectations for benefit and adverse outcomes associated with cannabis for CDNP. Because Veterans are likely to present with pain and pain-related polymorbidity significantly differing from that of civilians, a well-structured clinical trial of cannabinoids for Veterans with CDNP is vital. The present phase II study will offer the first evidence describing the potential benefits and adverse effects of cannabinoids for CDNP in Veterans using a four-arm, double-blind, multisite randomized trial comparing THC, CBD, THC+CBD and placebo on neuropathic pain outcomes.