View clinical trials related to Danon Disease.
Filter by:This is a multicenter, international, non-interventional, natural history study designed to collect longitudinal retrospective clinical information on patients with Danon disease (DD). This study is composed of 2 parts: - Feasibility study: to identify participating sites, assess site and team capabilities, confirm the site and investigator qualification for taking part in the study, - Retrospective chart review: Data will be collected retrospectively by means of a chart review of living and/or deceased DD patients with a confirmed lysosome associated membrane protein-2 gene (LAMP2) mutation, and, - For living patients (who have not undergone heart transplantation or placement of a cardiac assist device), availability of at least 6-month cardiology follow-up data, - For living patients who underwent heart transplantation or placement of a cardiac assist device, and for deceased patients, at least 1 MRI or echo assessment prior to heart transplantation/cardiac assist device placement or death.