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Common Cold clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT01046136 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Mucinex Exploratory Cold Study

Start date: December 2009
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This is an exploratory, multicenter, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study of Mucinex in patients with colds. Patients will receive 7 days of treatment with either Mucinex or placebo. The study will assess the effects of Mucinex on sputum and cold symptoms.

NCT ID: NCT01033526 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Symptomatic Treatment of Common Cold Symptoms

Start date: October 2005
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

A two-arm, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, single dose placebo-controlled parallel groups study evaluating efficacy and tolerability of 800 mg Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirina C) in adult patients with a common cold during a two hour in patient phase; and a follow-up period of five days of home treatment as required.

NCT ID: NCT00963443 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Acetylsalicylic Acid Combined With Pseudoephedrine in Common Cold

Start date: September 2009
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of an acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) pseudoephedrine combination for the treatment of pain and congestion symptoms compared to the effectiveness of the individual components of the medicine and the placebo (dummy treatment that looks like the real thing).The combination product of acetylsalicylic acid / pseudoephedrine is already marketed in several European countries as Aspirin® Complex.

NCT ID: NCT00783432 Completed - Clinical trials for Nonallergic Rhinitis

Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of a Nasal Spray in Patients With Chronic Allergic or Nonallergic Rhinitis

Start date: July 2006
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine if Astepro Nasal Spray (0.1% azelastine hydrochloride) is as safe as Astelin Nasal Spray (0.1% azelastine hydrochloride)

NCT ID: NCT00778648 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Encapsulated Juice Powder Concentrate for Preventing Common Cold Symptoms

Start date: September 2008
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The primary objective of this study is to determine the effect of an encapsulated juice powder concentrate on the number of days with at least moderate common cold symptoms over winter time.

NCT ID: NCT00762476 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Efficacy Trial of 3804-250A in the Prevention of Cold Illnesses

Start date: August 2008
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of 3804-250A in the prevention of the common cold. The study will also evaluate whether 3804-250A prevents rhinovirus infection, a virus that causes many common colds.

NCT ID: NCT00745849 Completed - Vasomotor Rhinitis Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Esomeprazole for Non-Allergic Rhinitis: A Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial

Start date: June 2005
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study was to see if high dose esomeprazole (40mg bid) was effective in treating non-allergic rhinitis

NCT ID: NCT00656929 Completed - Clinical trials for Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Randomized Controlled Trial of Vitamin D3 Supplementation for Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URI) Prevention

Start date: December 2006
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Background: Vitamin D has been shown to be an important immune system regulator. Vitamin D insufficiency during the winter may cause increased susceptibility to infections, particularly viral upper respiratory tract infections (URIs). Objective: To determine whether vitamin D supplementation during the winter season prevents or decreases URI symptoms in adults. Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 162 adults. Participants were randomized to receive vitamin D3 50 mcg (2000 IU) daily or matching placebo for 12 weeks from December 2006 to March 2007. A biweekly questionnaire was used to record the incidence and severity of URI symptoms

NCT ID: NCT00655031 Completed - Common Cold Clinical Trials

Trial to Evaluate the Use of Pomegranate Concentrate (POMx) for the Prevention of Experimental Rhinovirus Infection

Start date: April 2008
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

Pomegranate has a long history of use in folk medicine. There is vast data on the health benefits of pomegranate fruit and juice. Multiple studies have established the strong antioxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols (primarily the ellagitannin punicalagin) and their health effects. A vast number of animal and human clinical studies have provided evidence on effect of pomegranate products on reducing symptoms of common cold, reducing blood pressure, improving endothelial function, anti-tumor activity, and its anti-atherosclerotic activity. This study will evaluate the protective effect of a pomegranate concentrate (POMx) in decreasing the incidence and duration of the common cold among healthy adults.

NCT ID: NCT00617318 Completed - Influenza Clinical Trials

Pomegranate Products for Prevention of Common Cold

Start date: January 2007
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Pomegranate has a long history of use in folk medicine. There is vast data on the health benefits of pomegranate fruit and juice. Multiple studies have established the strong antioxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols (primarily the ellagitannin punicalagin) and their health effects. A vast number of animal and human clinical studies have provided evidence on effect of pomegranate products on improving blood lipid profile, reducing blood pressure, improving endothelial function, anti-tumor activity, and its anti-atherosclerotic activity. We studied the protective effect of a pomegranate concentrate (POM Flu and Cold Formula®) in decreasing the incidence and duration of influenza-like illnesses and common cold among healthy adults.