View clinical trials related to Chronic Tic Disorder.
Filter by:Tourette syndrome (TS) and chronic tic disorder (CTD) are neurodevelopmental disorders that impact approximately 1% of 5-18 year olds worldwide. Both TS and CTD are characterised by the presence of tics, which are repetitive, purposeless, movements or vocalisations of short duration which can occur many times throughout a day. Tics can have a significant negative impact on daily functioning and quality of life, hence, many seek out approaches to manage and reduce their tics and the urges people with TS or CTD often feel preceding them. The two main evidence-based approaches to treating tics are behavioural therapies and medicationÍž both of which can be effective, but accessibility and waitlists are often an issue for behavioural therapies and side effects are common with medication use. Consequently, there is an urgent need for the development of alternative, safe and accessible treatments. This study aims to examine the effects of rhythmic pulses of electrical stimulation delivered to the wrist in treating tics in people with TS and CTD. In recent work, the investigators have shown that this type of electrical stimulation known as median nerve stimulation (MNS), can substantially reduce tics and related urges during stimulation. The investigators now want to extend this work to examine the effects of the stimulation on a higher number of people, compared to placebo and treatment as usual. The investigators will do this through assessment of symptom change using questionnaires, interviews and videos collection during four weeks of stimulation and two time points afterwards. The investigators have developed a new MNS device for this trial which is portable and easy to use. The primary hypothesis is that active rhythmic MNS will lead to a reduction in tic severity compared to a placebo condition. The secondary hypothesis is that MNS will also have a positive beneficial effect on urges, impairment, well-being and co-occurring Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms compared to both sham stimulation and no stimulation.
Chronic tic disorder (CTD) may have a huge impact on life quality. Habit Reversal Training (HRT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) are effective therapeutic modalities. This study examined the effect of a combined treatment using both HRT and ERP in children and adolescents with CTD. The treatment outcome was examined as an individual treatment compared to a group setting. There was no control group. The study examined both acute outcome and outcome at one year of follow-up. Predictive factors for treatment outcome were evaluated.
Expert reviews and practice parameter papers recommend behavior therapy as a first-line intervention for youth with chronic tic disorders (CTDs) with mild-to-moderate tic severity. Although behavior therapies like the Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) are efficacious in reducing tic symptom severity, only 50% of individuals exhibit a positive treatment response. Thus, there is a clear need to identify strategies to improve treatment response and/or accelerate therapeutic gains . The primary ingredient of CBIT is habit reversal training (HRT), which utilizes both extinction and associative learning. Psychosocial treatments relying on these learning mechanisms have demonstrated an enhanced and/or expedited therapeutic benefit when augmented with d-cycloserine (DCS). This feasibility study will examine the incremental efficacy of HRT+DCS over HRT+placebo for tics targeted with HRT. Eligibility criteria will parallel the child CBIT trial for generalizability and comparability, with the addition of DCS contraindications as exclusionary criteria. Parents and youth will complete a battery of clinical assessments to ascertain tic symptoms severity and co-occurring psychiatric conditions. Afterwards, participants will be randomly assigned to receive either HRT+DCS or HRT+placebo. Instead of a full course of HRT (8 sessions over 10 weeks), a more efficient Quick-Win/Fast-Fail trial design will be used that includes a truncated HRT protocol to provide results in a more timely fashion. As a result of this trial design, the primary outcome of this study will focus on the reduction of bothersome tic severity for those targeted in treatment rather than global severity reductions.
The purpose of this research is to examine the preliminary efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of Voice over Internet Protocol delivered behavior therapy for Tourette Syndrome through in a randomized waitlist-controlled trial.
Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) is an evidence based intervention for tic disorders. A recent scientific review of research priorities completed by the Tourette Syndrome Association recommended widespread dissemination of CBIT as an important next step in services delivery research. Given early evidence that occupational therapists can deliver CBIT effectively, a dissemination strategy using occupational therapists may improve accessibility to this treatment, at lower cost and with decreased stigma. Thus the goal of this study is to develop and test a training and dissemination model with occupational therapists (OTs) using an expert, multi-disciplinary team at Weill Cornell/New York Presbyterian Hospital (WC/NYPH) and University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). The investigators have adapted CBIT, the gold-standard behavioral intervention program for children with tic disorders (Woods et al, 2008a,b), for eventual use in OT programs across the country.
The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of a trial on an oral orthotic for reducing tic severity in children ages 7-25 years with Tourette syndrome (TS) or Chronic Tic Disorder (CTD).
The aim of this study is to train patients with tic disorders to control activity in a region of their brain that has been associated with the urge to tic. Patients will be given direct feedback regarding activity in this brain area while they are undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning, and will try to learn to control activity in the region during these feedback sessions. In separate sessions, patients will be given sham feedback based on the brain patterns of a prior subject rather than their own brain patterns. Our primary hypothesis is that the biofeedback training will reduce their tic symptoms more than the sham feedback.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effective and safety of 5LGr in pediatric patients with tic disorders.
This is a clinical study of a cognitive-behavioral therapy known as anger control training in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome and explosive, disruptive behavior. ACT is compared to treatment as usual (TAU) in a randomized clinical trial.