View clinical trials related to Childbirth Problems.
Filter by:Childbirth is a critical moment in this perinatal period, with high unpredictability and risks of medical complications for the mother and child. It can be experienced as a traumatic experience for the woman. The consequences of a traumatic childbirth are numerous: psychiatric consequences for the mother: with increased risk of post-traumatic stress syndrome of postpartum depression decompensation of an old psychiatric illness, suicide , addictive disorders ; consequences on interactions: early mother-baby interactions are of poorer quality if the women have a negative experience of their birth. Very few studies have focused on the early detection of traumatic childbirth, on the day of it. These evaluations only take into account the women's experience of their childbirth. The systematization of a screening questionnaire for all deliveries would help to detect obvious traumatic deliveries but also to detect traumatic experiences when objectively the delivery occurs without obstetric complications. This is why the objective of our study is to evaluate the perception of traumatic births by midwives.
The aim of this observational study is to learn about how muscle dimensions of the pelvic floor measured during pregnancy in primigravida impact birth mecanics and mode of delivery. Tha main aims are to 1. Explore associations between mode of delivery and hiatal dimensions measured by transperineal ultrasound antenatally and 2. Explore the association between duration of 2nd stage of labour and hiatal dimensions. A pelvic floor ultrasound examination will be performed between pregnancy week 12 and 20 and levator ani muscle hiatal dimensions will be compared between women having a normal vaginal delivery and women with emergency cesarean or operative vaginal deliveries.
The incidence of obstetric sphincter tears has risen to 15-30% and the prevalence of anal incontinence (AI) symptoms after childbirth may be as high as 40%. The present study aims to evaluate the prevalence of anal sphincter defects after childbirth in primiparous women-