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Child Nutrition Disorders clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT02257437 Completed - Child Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Acceptability of a Multiple Micronutrient-Fortified Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplement for Children Under Two in Cambodia

Start date: June 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this trial is to evaluate the acceptability of the LNS to women and their children aged 12-17 months in comparison to Corn Soy Blend++, and Sprinkles added to borbor (white rice porridge, which is the traditional weaning food in Cambodia). Acceptability will be assessed through a sensory test for caregivers, and by measuring children's consumption.

NCT ID: NCT02245152 Completed - Clinical trials for Child Acute Malnutrition

The Effect of Integrated Prevention and Treatment on Child Malnutrition and Health in Burkina Faso: a Cluster Randomized Intervention Study

Start date: October 6, 2014
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Globally, child undernutrition is the underlying cause for 3.1 million deaths of children younger than 5 years. 18.7 million children under five years of age suffer from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and an additional 33 million children suffer from moderate acute malnutrition, and are at risk of developing SAM In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is often poor integration between programs to treat child acute malnutrition and programs that focus on the prevention of acute and chronic undernutrition - resulting in many missed opportunities for using prevention platforms to screen and refer SAM children, or for using screening and referral platforms to provide prevention services. This project will address two critical gaps related to the integration of preventive and treatment programs: 1) screening and treatment of MAM/SAM have not yet been systematically integrated into routine health-center visits or mainstreamed into community outreach programs; and 2) screening programs often do not offer any preventive services for those children found not to be suffering from MAM/SAM at the time of screening; mothers of children identified as non-MAM/SAM case are usually sent home without receiving any health or nutrition inputs and as a result, may fail to come back for screening because they do not see any tangible benefit associated with their participation in the screening. This project will specifically address these gaps by assessing the effect of an integrated approach consisting of higher screening coverage and preventive Behavior Change Communication (BCC) + Small-Quantity Lipid-based Nutrient supplementation (SQ-LNS) on both prevention and treatment of child undernutrition.

NCT ID: NCT02071563 Completed - Child Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Four Formulations of Food Supplements for the Prevention of Wasting and Stunting in Burkina Faso

Start date: March 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This research will serve as a follow-up on the review of Title II commodities performed by the Food Aid Quality Review at Tufts University in October 2011. The study in Burkina Faso will test the relative effectiveness and cost effectiveness of four supplementary foods in the prevention of MAM and stunting in normal programmatic settings. The aims of this study are to: 1. To compare the effectiveness of four alternative supplementary food commodities in preventing stunting and wasting, and promoting linear growth in children 6 - 23 months in the context of a preventive supplementary feeding program in Burkina Faso. 2. To estimate the relative cost of implementing the supplementary feeding program using each commodity 3. To estimate the relative cost/effectiveness of implementing the program using each commodity.

NCT ID: NCT01863394 Completed - Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Evaluation of Two Community Based Screening Strategies for Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children 6-59 Months in Mirria District, Niger

Start date: May 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objective of this study is to determine the efficacity of a community strategy for screening children 06-59 months old for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) conducted by their mothers' compared with a community screening strategy conducted by Community Health Workers.

NCT ID: NCT01817634 Completed - Child Malnutrition Clinical Trials

ω3 LCPUFAs for Healthy Growth and Development of Infants and Young Children in Southwest Ethiopia

Start date: November 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

New approaches are needed to prevent growth failure in children from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). To date, nutrition intervention studies have focused on micronutrient and energy content of complementary foods and have yielded only small to moderate effects on growth and development. There appears to be a missing link that mediates and reduces the expected beneficial effect. Child populations in LMIC show an asymptomatic environmental enteropathy that is characterized by a reduced size of the small intestinal villi, decreased gut integrity and a chronic inflammatory response in the gut. Results from studies in industrialized countries suggest that ω3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3 LCPUFAs) improve immune response and gut integrity. These reported beneficial effects could result in even more important physiological implications for children from LMIC and will ultimately contribute to their healthy growth and development. The hypothesis of the OME³Jim study is that an increased intake of ω3 LCPUFAs through complementary foods and human milk has an effect on infant growth and development in a context of high malnutrition rates and low ω3 LCPUFAs intake. This study will identify whether intake by either or both mother and infant is more effective. The specific objectives of the OME³Jim study are: 1. To test the effect of supplementing infants with an ω3 LCPUFAs fortified food supplement on infant growth, morbidity, nutritional status and development; 2. To test the effect of supplementing lactating mothers with an ω3 LCPUFAs oil capsule on infant growth, nutritional status and development; 3. To test the combined effect (dose response) of supplementing ω3 LCPUFAs to lactating mothers and infant on infant growth, morbidity, nutritional status and development: 4. To test the effect of ω3 LCPUFAs supplementation on ω3 LCPUFA status in infants and human milk.

NCT ID: NCT01497236 Completed - Child Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Effectiveness of Nutritional Supplementation in Preventing Malnutrition in Children With Infection in Karamoja, Uganda

Start date: March 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine whether 14 days nutritional supplementation with Ready to use therapeutic Food (RUTF) or micronutrients alone to children having an infection will prevent malnutrition and reduce the frequency of morbidity.

NCT ID: NCT01154803 Completed - Malaria Clinical Trials

Effectiveness of Nutritional Supplementation in Preventing Malnutrition in Children With Infection

Start date: February 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine whether 14 days nutritional supplementation with Ready to use therapeutic Food (RUTF) or micronutrients alone to children having an infection will prevent malnutrition and reduce the frequency of morbidity.

NCT ID: NCT01097889 Completed - Clinical trials for Child Nutrition Disorders

Evaluating the Relative Effectiveness of Two Feeding Interventions for the Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition

Start date: April 2009
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Supplementary feeding programs for children with moderate acute malnutrition have been implemented in developing countries using treatment foods with minimal or no evidence of their effectiveness. Fortified peanut paste is a popular new treatment food for children with severe and moderate malnutrition. Objectives: To investigate the relative effectiveness of two non-identical therapeutic foods in children with moderate malnutrition by comparing differences in performance indicators (i.e. recovery rates), recovery times, and change in weight-for-height z-scores in each group. This proposed research project will evaluate the relative effectiveness of two non-identical treatment foods for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in children

NCT ID: NCT01072279 Completed - Malnutrition Clinical Trials

Preventing Malnutrition in Children Under Two Years of Age Approach

Start date: April 2010
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

A study conducted by IFPRI in Haiti provided the first programmatic evidence, using a cluster randomized evaluation design, that preventing child undernutrition in children under two years of age (PM2A) through an integrated program providing food rations, BCC and preventive health and nutrition services is both feasible and highly effective. The study's principal aim was to compare a newly designed preventive approach with the traditional (recuperative) food assisted MCHN program approach, and therefore included only two comparison groups: one group of communities that was randomly assigned to the preventive approach and another group assigned to the recuperative approach. For logistical and financial reasons, the study did not include a randomized control group receiving no intervention. The Haiti study design was well-suited to achieve its main goal - i.e. to test whether the preventive approach was more effective than the recuperative approach at preventing child undernutrition - but it left a number of questions unanswered. The present study will address several of these questions, which will allow to further refine the PM2A approach, facilitate its replication in different contexts, and maximize its impact and cost-effectiveness in future programming. The study will be conducted in Guatemala and Burundi. The key research objectives are: 1. Impact and cost effectiveness: Assess the impact and cost effectiveness of PM2A on child nutritional status. 2. Optimal composition and size of food rations in PM2A: Assess the differential and absolute impact of varying the size and types of foods incorporated in the food ration of the PM2A. More specifically, assess the differential effect of different sizes of family food rations, and assess the impact of substituting the individual food ration with new micronutrient-rich products such as lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) or micronutrient Sprinkles. 3. Optimal timing and duration of PM2A: Assess the differential and absolute impact of varying the timing and duration of exposure to PM2A on child nutritional status.