View clinical trials related to Cerebral Palsy (CP).
Filter by:Long hours of daily sitting and lack of Physical Activity (PA) are risk factors for morbidity and mortality. People with movement disabilities, including adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CP) tend to lead a sedentary life styl and have have poor physical fitness. Adolescents with CP where found to be inactive most of the day thus, they are in greater risk of disease than the general population. In addition, over the years, people with disabilities experience physical and functional deterioration. Reducing sedentary behavior and increasing daily activity can reduce health risk factors among the adolescents with CP, reduce secondary impairments and preserve function. Interventions that included exercise alone has not resulted in physical activity and participating in a structured training did not continue after cessation intervention. The objectives of this study are to establish effective programs aiming to promote an active life style among adolescents and young adults with CP and to evaluate there outcomes. Specific objectives- Stage 1- Identifying barriers and facilitators for reducing sedentary behaviors and increasing physical activity among adolescents and young adults with CP. As well as, identifying mediators, needs and preferences for reducing sedentary behaviors and increasing physical activity among adolescents and young adults with CP. Stage 2- Based on stage 1- Establishing an intervention for reducing sedentary behaviors and increasing physical activity among adolescents. Stage 3- translating and developing questioners for the study. - Translating the ASK-Performance and the ASK-Capability questionnaires to Hebrew and validating the Hebrew translation. - Developing a self-efficacy perception questioner for increasing physical activity and reducing and sedentary behavior. - Translating to Hebrew, adjusting and validating an activity diary. Stage 4- evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed intervention program on reducing sedentary behaviors and increasing physical activity among adolescents and young adults with CP.